Black Canyon of the Gunnison ClimbinG

Main gully Area (North Rim)

Category: Colorado (Black Canyon)Elev: 6,000-7,000 ftRock Type: Gneiss
Dates: see main page for all days I've climbed in the Black CanyonPartners: see main page for all people I have climbed with in the Black CanyonTrip Report #s: see main page for all trip report numbers corresponding to reports for the Black Canyon

2 Trip Reports


May 2022
May 2021

This page is trip reports for Main Gully Area in the Black Canyon. Go to Black Canyon main page to access trip reports on other formations in the Black Canyon.

Table of Contents for this page

Trip reports

Lauren's Arête (5.8, 7p, ~800')

  • Date: May 28, 2022 (Sat)       Partner: Nate Arganbright

Lauren's Arête climbs the massive rib of rock on the west side of SOB. It is described as the easiest full-length route in the canyon, spectacular, airy, and well worth climbing. 

This was our fourth day climbing in the Black (over the previous three days we had climbed The Cruise, Russian Arête, A Midsummer Night’s Dream). So a moderate climb like Lauren’s Arête sounded like a good adventure from the day. Although the climbing was pretty easy, we enjoyed the position of this route and had a fun day out. The route took half a day, so we enjoyed the remainder of the day relaxing at the North Rim Campground, which is a nice place to hang out. I also drove briefly out to the BLM land to check emails and do a bit of website work. We drove back home the following day after another great trip to the Black.

Route Overlay #1

Route Overlay #2

Pitch-by-Pitch Photos


Descend SOB Gully. Below Comic Relief Buttress, scramble out of SOB Gully onto a ledge and follow ledge left to a narrower gully on the opposite side of the formation. Hike up this drainage for a few hundred feet to locate a ramp/weakness leading up and right. Follow weakness to a ledge at the base of the route.
It was the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, so there were a number of climbers on the whiteboard at the North Rim Ranger Station.
A friendly ranger at the North Rim Ranger Station.
A cool boulder in SOB Gully showing the interface of two rock layers.
Poison ivy in SOB Gully.
The first access ramp for Lauren’s Arête. This is accessed directly out of SOB Gully.
Pegmatite chimney above the first access ramp.
The second access ramp for Lauren’s Arête. This is after wrapping around the toe of the buttress and heading back up and right.
Higher on the second access ramp.
Colorful cactus flowers.

Pitch 1

5.8. Face climb up and right, where easier terrain leads to a section of cracks. Belay in a notch between towers.
Start of Pitch 1.
Higher on Pitch 1.

Pitch 2

5.8. A few moves along a small undercling leads to a crack on the left edge of the wall. Continue up the exposed ridgeline, belaying nearly a full ropelength up.
The undercling at the start of Pitch 2.
The crack on Pitch 2.

Pitch 3

5.8/5.9. Stick to the right edge of the formation. At an airy gap between the walls, make some exposed moves onto the face then climb a short section of sparsely protected rock to a stance. Continue up a steep crack with a fixed pin. Belay on a ledge.
Nate starting up Pitch 3.
An old piton on Pitch 3.
Steph nearing the top of Pitch 3.
Nate at a comfy belay at the top of Pitch 3.

Pitch 4: 

5.8. Continue up the right side of the buttress, aiming for a hand crack near an obvious bush on the face. Above the crack, move up and left on the face and belay above.
The handcrack right of the bush.
Looking down while leading Pitch 4.
Anchor at the top of Pitch 4.
Lauren’s Arête gives a nice view of Comic Relief Buttress. It was a busy day on Comic Relief (we spotted 3 parties).

Pitch 5

5.easy. Traverse the knife-edge ridge, climbing over a prominent tower, then down easy 5th class terrain to a ledge. Belay at a tree below the base of the headwall. We simulclimbed a bit to avoid breaking this up into two pitches.
Nate starting off Pitch 5.
Steph nearing the end of the pitch. Photo by Nate.

Pitch 6

5.8. Climb a crack between two trees on the left edge of the wall. Belay at a good unroping spot above.
The crack between two trees on Pitch 6.
Higher on Pitch 6.
Nate nearing the top of Pitch 6.

Exit pitch and Exit

4th to 5.6. Stay high along the ridge, walking uphill to the exposed exit traverse. Some climbers rope up for this exposed 5.6 section (although it seemed more like 4th to us, but still a good idea to rope up due to the moderate looseness and consequence of a fall). Continue hiking out of the side gully, following it to the upper portion of SOB Gully. Hike back to campground or head back down SOB Gully and do another route!
Approaching the exit ledges.
A cactus flower. Photo by Nate.
Another photo of the same cactus flower I took a few moments later.
The exposed part of the exit ledges.
The exposed part of the exit ledges. Photo by Nate.
This gully took us to the trail to SOB Gully.

Other photos: 

This was our fourth day in a row climbing in the Black Canyon (The Cruise, Russian Arête, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lauren’s Arête). We planned to drive back home the next day. So we enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon relaxing at camp. The North Rim Campground is a nice place to hang out.
Nate took a nap. On the picnic table.
I downloaded photos, and after that did a nonogram.
We had a nice campfire.
Reading by the campfire.
My dinner: tofu noodles, sardines, and tomatoes.
Nate's dinner: a grilled sandwich.

Casually Off Route (5.9, 5p, ~700')

  • Date: May 20, 2021 (Thu)     Partner: Michael Underwood

Casually Off Route climbs well-protected splitter cracks on the main wall on the east side of SOB Gully, and generally thought of as one of the better 5.9s in the Black. We felt that the route did not quite live up to that expectation, but it was still a good half-day adventure with two great pitches of 5.9 climbing (and the rest mediocre).

Michael and I climbed this route as part of a two-day spring trip to the Black. The other climb we did was Scenic Cruise. 

Route Overlay

Pitch-by-Pitch Photos


Descend the SOB Gully to the base of the Main Wall. Start on a bushy ramp system below the buttress. Rope up near a semi-dead juniper tree at the beginning-to-middle portion of the ramp. A short approach by Black standards.
Starting down SOB gully.
Looking up at the Main Wall.

Pitch 1: 

5.8. Climb up and left into a short corner. Continue up nondescript terrain to a stance below a right-facing finger crack. Belay or link with Pitch 2.
Looking up at the corner near the start of Pitch 1.
Nondescript terrain.

Pitch 2

5.8. Climb the corner that is shared with the Casual Route, then trend up and left to reach a prominent ledge with a juniper. Pitches 1 and 2 can be linked with a 70.
Start of Pitch 2. This is also on Casual Route.

Pitch 3

5.9. Pull a mantel move to gain a narrow ledge. Walk left along the ledge to the obvious splitter. Climb this hand-fist crack, moving left through the first bulge, then back right into a wide flake. At a second bulge, trend right into a corner and belay above. Rope drag can sometimes be an issue on this long, stellar pitch.
Michael starting up the pitch.
Michael in the wide hands splitter.
The wide hands splitter.
Looking down the splitter.
The last part of the pitch.

Pitch 4

5.8/5.9. Climb the undercling directly above, eventually gaining a right-facing corner that leads to a slab. Belay at the top of a sloping ledge/slab at a tree above a steep slot. The route joins the Casual Route here.
Looking up at the start of the pitch.
Looking down while leading.

Pitch 5

5.8. Wander up and right on easy terrain to a large ledge. We took this opportunity to move the belay. Continue up a short finger/layback crack to the terrace above. This pitch is also the final pitch of the Casual Route.
Michael leading the pitch.

Top out: 

Slog out the exit gully, or climb direct pitches to the rim. This pops out near the campground. Although I usually prefer a direct finish, we chose to exit via the gully since this would be quicker (and probably safer from the looks of the direct finish) and we had a 6-hour drive ahead of us back to Boulder.
A view of the 5.8 R direct finish.
The exit gully.
The chockstone. Might be a good idea to rope up here, as a fall would not be pleasant.
End of page