Ida - Chief Cheley - Cracktop - Julian - Terra Tomah

Category: Colorado (RMNP)Elev: 10,800-12,928 ftRock Type: Gneiss & Granite
Dates: July 22, 2024 (Mon)Trip Report #: 720Partner: Will Starks

Route: ~15 miles round trip, ~5400 ft gain/loss, 5 summits, up to 3rd

A nice high-ridgeline traverse over five summits in RMNP.


It was an unusually cold spell in the montains (highs in the high 40's in mid-July!), a bit too cold for my wimpy fingers for climbing. So it was a good day to go on a peak-bagging advenutre. I had sort of made it my vague goal to get to every named summit in my backyard Rocky Mountain National Park. I had been scoping out a traverse of five RMNP summits—Ida, Chief Cheley, Cracktop, Julian, and Terra Tomah—that would be quite doable in a single day.

My friend Will, who also loves a good day of mountain exercise, joined me for this traverse. 

Below is a map, area overlay, and photos from the fun day peak bagging in my backyard!

Map and area overlay

Photo I took of the area from Trail Ridge Road the day before summiting all of them.


Poudre Lake Trailhead at Milner Pass to Mt. Ida

Poudre Lake Trailhead at Milner Pass: 10,758 ftMt. Ida: 12,874 ftSplit time: 2:14Cumulative time: 2:14

Hiked the trail to the summit of Ida (2nd).

A herd of elk (with lots of young'uns) on Trail Ridge Road. Both my bumper and the elk were glad I was paying attention. This is a still photo from my dashcam footage.
It was 35° at the trailhead, at around 5:30am. Brrr for July.
Morning mist over Poudre Lake.
Sun cresting the ridge during our hike.
The trail to Mt. Ida is mostly on open tundra slope.
Hiking along the Continental Divide towards Mt. Ida.
Ice in July!
I'm guessing a marmot made this tiny footprint?
A cute pika basking in the morning sun.
A baby ptamigan running away from me and my camera.
View from the top of Mt. Ida. Terra Tomah and Mt. Julian in the hazy distance.
View from the top of Mt. Ida. Mt. Julian is on the left, Cracktop in the middle. Chief Cheley is to the right out of the frame.
On top of Mt. Ida. The gps track on the screen is from the "Estes Skyline High Route" Nate and I did in 2020.

Mt. Ida to Chief Cheley

Mt. Ida: 12,874 ftChief Cheley: 12,804 ftSplit time: 0:31Cumulative time: 2:45 

Down and up on ridge (3rd).

Looking down at the saddle between Mt. Ida and Chief Cheley.
Looking down into Gorge Lakes. Azure Lake is the closest large lake.
Looking back up at the descent from Mt. Ida to the saddle.
At the saddle, looking up at Chief Cheley.
On top of Chief Cheley.

Chief Cheley to Cracktop

Chief Cheley: 12,804 ftPeak 12,800: 12,800 ftCracktop: 12,766 ftSplit time: 0:34Cumulative time: 3:19 

Down and up on ridge (3rd).

Will just leaving the summit of Chief Cheley, Mt. Ida behind.
Looking down into Gorge Lakes. The lake that is still partially frozen is Highest Lake, the highest named lake in RMNP. (Rowe Glacier Lake is actually higher, but not officially named.)
On top of Cracktop.

Cracktop to Mount Julian

Cracktop: 12,766 ftMount Julian: 12,928 ftSplit time: 0:58Cumulative time: 4:17

Down and up on ridge (3rd).

Looking towards Mt. Julian.
Headed down the ridge to Mt. Julian.
Looking down into Gorge Lakes. Azure Lake on left, Inkwell Lake below, Arrowhead Lake in distance right.
Sky pilot.
On top of Mt. Julian.

Mount Julian to Terra Tomah Mountain

Mount Julian: 12,928 ftTerra Tomah Mountain: 12,018 ftSplit time: 0:31Cumulative time: 4:48

Down and up on ridge (3rd).

Looking towads Terra Tomah Mountain.
On top of Terra Tomah Mountain.
The view to the east. It is hazy but if you look closely you can see Trail Ridge Road and cars on it.
Will nearing the summit block.
Smoke from...
...Canada. My parents live in British Columbia and when I texted them that Colorado was getting their smoke, here was my dad's reply: "Fires have gone from a rarity when we started adventuring in the early 70s to a factor that needs checked – like the weather – in the 2020s. Whatever the reason, this current trend of hotter and dryer here in the west is turning the summer into “fire season.” We got our first taste over the weekend as the early morning light was “burnt orange.”"
A view back towards the traverse from the top of Terra Tomah. From left to right: Julian, Cracktop (hidden behind Julian), Chief Cheley, Ida.

Terra Tomah Mountain to Poudre Lake Trailhead at Milner Pass

Terra Tomah Mountain: 12,018 ftMount Julian: 12,928 ftCracktop: 12,766 ftPeak 12,800: 12,800 ftChief Cheley: 12,804 ftMt. Ida: 12,874 ftPoudre Lake Trailhead at Milner Pass: 10,758 ftSplit time: 3:29Cumulative time: 8:17 (total car to car a bit more due to breaks on summit and ida) 

Reverse the route (3rd).

Headed back....
Back up Ida.....
The marmot seems to be asking: What are you doing here again?
Butterflies on sunflowers.
Butterflies on sunflowers.
Butterflies on sunflowers.
Butterflies on sunflowers.
Hiking out the Mt. Ida trail. It is nice to have a beautiful view to enjoy on the hike out.
Hiking out the Mt. Ida trail.
Hiking out the Mt. Ida trail.
View back towards Mt. Ida.
Poudre Lake/Milner Pass Trailhead was full when we arrived back mid-afternoon.

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