evolution traverse

Category: CaliforniaElev: 12,000-13,000+ ft Rock Type: Granite
Date: July 9-12, 2017 (Sun-Wed)Trip Report #: 251Partner: Casey Andrews

Evolution Traverse (IV, 5.9, ~8 miles on ridge)

"To climb for miles and never leave the skyline." - Peter Croft

Click to enlarge and see peak labels. (I had originally just labeled the 9 peaks of the Evolution Traverse, but Paul Decker had fun identifying all of the peaks on the horizon for me, so I have posted that version here. Thanks Paul!)


The Evolution Traverse traverses the 8-mile ridge that hooks around the Evolution Basin, staying on the crest for virtually the entire distance. Peter Croft was the first to complete the Traverse in its entirety, in 1999 (this was his third attempt, the first being in 1997 with Galen Rowell). In his guidebook The Good, The Great, and The Awesome, Peter Croft notes: "This is the best traverse I have done. It's nice and long, it has a distinct beginning and end, and the rock is much better than any of the other big traverses I've encountered....I began at the first hint of dawn and spent all day on this great spine of granite, coming closer than ever before to the ideal traverse. To climb for miles and never leave the skyline." 

Every summer I seem to find myself down in California/Sierra for a couple of weeks, seeking out good rock. And every time I think about doing the Evolution Traverse, yet finding a partner for it has been a crux. Finally, in July 2017, I met Casey Andrews, who was also psyched to do the Traverse. So we got our permit, packed up, and headed in. We spent one day hiking in, the next two days on the Evolution Traverse (with a bivy on the ridge), and the last day hiking out. It was a phenomenal trip that had it all: spectacular position and views, heads-up route-finding, sections of great alpine climbing, athletic challenge, and awesome partner.

When researching the Evolution Traverse, I gleaned beta from google and from Croft's guidebook. As several of these sources mention, there is no way to give a "pitch-by-pitch, foot-by-foot" description of the route, and indeed part of the challenge of the Evolution Traverse is figuring it out as you go. But as my contribution to the beta pool for this route, here are two potentially-useful sources of route information: (1) An annotated map of the route printable at 8.5x11 size and (2) A table showing our times on the Traverse to give a sense of how long it took a reasonably-fast onsight party to complete the traverse in a 2-day style.



Evolution Traverse Stats



The rest of this page contains photos from the Traverse, broken down by section. What a great trip. Enjoy!

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