St Bernadette Catholic Primary School

Message from the 


Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope this newsletter finds you well.  Since returning to school we have had assessment week in preparation for parent consultations and pupil progress meetings with SLT.  The children have also had the opportunity to have their 1:1 termly, pupil interviews, with their class teacher.  In a recent school parliament meeting, the children spoke very highly of the 1:1 pupil interviews.  They enjoy the fact they get to spend time with their class teacher and are able to discuss both work achievements and wellbeing matters.  You will see evidence of these meetings in the children's book at the parent consultation meetings. Please ensure you arrange a meeting with the class teacher if you haven't already done so. With it nearing the end of term any missed appointments will not be rescheduled until the summer term. 

Thank you to London Colney FC who have donated £50 towards our Easter Egg hunt! 

Road Safety 

Please can we all ensure we are being mindful when driving and parking on the school road at drop off and pick up.  They are exceptionally busy times of the day when several children are present. 

Parental concerns

Please see the flowchart below that highlights the steps to take if you have a concern you would like to share with the school.  As always, we endeavor to deal with any concerns swiftly and effectively using the processes we have in place. 

Future dates for your diary

Wednesday 13th March - Bring a bottle mufti day

Thursday 14th March - Year 2 trip

Friday 15th March - Ark Farm visit nursery and reception

Week beg Monday 18th March - Parent consultation meetings

Wednesday 20th March - Year 4 Science museum trip

Monday 25th March - Easter fundraiser Mufti day

Wednesday 27th March - Year 3 perform at the Alban arena

Wednesday 27th March - 9.30am Stations of the cross for parents & KS2

Thursday 28th March - School closes at 1.30pm

Kind regards

Mrs Lavelle-Murphy & Mrs Reilly 

Pope Francis Prayer Intentions: March - For victims of abuse 

Pope Francis insists that the Church cannot hide abuse, no matter where it occurs, but instead must serve as a model in its response to abuse – including by shining a light on the issue of abuse in society and families. As part of that response, the Church must also offer safe spaces for victims to be heard, supported psychologically, and protected.

“Let us pray for those who have suffered because of the wrongs done to them from members of the Church; may they find within the Church herself a concrete response to their pain and suffering.”

Pope Francis

This week we have walked 3km! Please donate at: 

London Colney Hall Grand Opening! 

On Sunday 10th March the church will be welcoming Bishop Paul McAleenan to celebrate 11.30am Mass at London Colney and officially open and bless the brand new Richeldis Hall! All are invited to join the congregation for refreshments after Mass.

Ireland National and 23 Mavericks Netball player Ciara Lynch visits St Bernadette!

We were lucky today to be visited by Ciara Lynch an Ireland National and 23 Mavericks netball player! The children had the opportunity to be inspired by her journey through sport.  The netball team was then given the opportunity to train alongside Ciara! This was a fantastic experience for all the children. Thank you to Mrs Questel for organising this for our children! 

The St Bernadette Lions secured a win against Killigrew school - and despite the Lions being a goal behind at half time, they made a sharp comeback with the match ending 7-5. Max, our school Sports Ambassador, Captained the match, with slick gameplay from the team and excellent goals from Florence and Valentino. Alex Fusco was awarded Player of the Match by the opposing team, which was thoroughly deserved after putting up an incredibly strong defence with Astena. 

We previously drew 8-8 with Killigrew in Preliminary rounds, so this was a great result. Well done to Alex, Florence, Max, Valentino, Tia, Kaylah, Astena and Freya. Go Lions!!

Rapid Fire Cricket - Year 4

Well done to some of Year 4 children who had an enjoyable afternoon taking part in a rapid-fire cricket competition!! 

Roll of Honour - 08.03.24

Nursery and Reception 

Year 1 and Year 2

Year 3,4,5 and Year 6

Parental concerns Flowchart.pdf
St Bernadette Science Week 2024 Information.pdf
St Bernadette Poster.pdf