Textbook Information
Please look at the following list of textbooks that you may need for your classes. All books will be checked out with your librarian.
Please look at the following list of textbooks that you may need for your classes. All books will be checked out with your librarian.
Library Hours: Monday & Friday from 7:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Library Hours: Monday & Friday from 7:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Math books
Math books
The following enVision Math series below is available online. You do not need to check one out if you plan to access the online version of these books. You have the option of checking out a book if you have limited or poor internet connection. Number of copies are limited. Online access is also available through the Clever portal.
History Books
History Books
U.S. History
U.S. History
World History
World History
AP U.S. History
AP U.S. History
AP European History
AP European History
Comparative Politics
Comparative Politics
Science Books
Science Books
AP Biology new
AP Biology new
Student Study Guide AP Biology
Student Study Guide AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
Active Physics Transportation
Active Physics Transportation
Active Physics Communication
Active Physics Communication
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
Chemistry 3-ring binder
Chemistry 3-ring binder
Make sure you pick up a periodic table for your binder
Make sure you pick up a periodic table for your binder
Foreign Language
Foreign Language
German I & II
German I & II
German III
German III
German IV
German IV
More Textbooks
More Textbooks
Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology
English Novel Sets
English Novel Sets
Paperback books are available for checkout from your librarian.
Paperback books are available for checkout from your librarian.