Title 1 Before-School Tutoring Information
The East Albemarle Title 1 Before-School Tutoring program has been designed to provide academic support to students before the regular school day begins. This program aims to reinforce classroom learning, help student improve their understanding of specific subjects, and enhance their overall academic performance.
Students in grades 3-5 were invited to participate in the program based on qualifying scores on mid-year reading and math diagnostic assessments, with the highest priority placed on reading. Students scoring just below grade level were extended an invitation first, with the second set of invitations going to those scoring farther below grade level. Students in grades 3-5 who request tutoring will be included as well.
If you have a child in grades 3-5 and would like them to participate in our before-school tutoring program, email Ms. Taylor (judith.taylor@stanlycountyschools.org) to request an application.
Parents who have a student enrolled in the program will find the calendar below helpful.