Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals is now closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed. The conference is moving to an online format.
Original text of Call for Proposals:
At the 2020 LD4 Conference, to be held May 13-14 at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, USA, participants will learn concrete ways that linked data benefits GLAM institutions, and discover pathways to participation in linked data. Whether you have already implemented linked data in your work or are just getting started, you will leave with a better understanding of what linked data is, how it can be used, and what you can do to get started or continue to incorporate linked data in your institutions or projects. By bringing together a broad range of perspectives, and centering diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethics in our discussions, we will create a community of practice for linked data in libraries.
To create a meaningful and engaging conference, we are seeking proposals for contributions to the program in the following areas:
- Workflows: how projects are accomplished and scaled
- Organizational implementation: organizational changes, skill sets, infrastructure, and partnerships necessary to implement linked data
- Impact: outcomes of implemented projects, linked data in discovery environments, and user experience research
- Show and tell: demonstrations, posters, URIs that you minted—no project is too big or too small
We encourage proposals for presentations or sessions for the conference in the following formats:
- delivering a traditional presentation (30 minutes including question-and-answer time)
- giving a short lightning talk (10 minutes)
- leading a hands-on tutorial (60-90 minutes)
- demonstrating a tool (20 minutes)
- facilitating work on a defined project in a collaborative environment (60-90 minutes)
- facilitating a formal discussion session with panelists or a more informal birds-of-a-feather type discussion session with conference participants (60 minutes)
- exhibiting a poster
We also welcome proposals for half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours) pre-conference workshops to be held on May 12, 2020. They should be targeted towards those with less experience in linked data, to prepare participants for the main conference content.
We especially encourage proposals (conference or pre-conference) from participants from groups and regions that are traditionally underrepresented in conferences related to linked data in libraries and other cultural heritage organizations, as well as proposals from early career professionals.
To propose a session please complete the presenter proposal form (which includes the application for stipends) by Friday, January 31st at 11:59 pm PST. (Proposal form URL for copying and pasting:
The Program Committee will select proposals and contact all applicants by February 21st. For those interested in attending without proposing a session, a separate call for participation will be announced in late February.
For questions about the LD4 Conference, please contact the conference co-chairs at