
Math                                                                                                                                                                                                Ms. D. Segatti

My name is Ms. Annattone and I am delighted to be your Math teacher on the Turquoise Team for the 2023-2024 school year!

I hope that you had a nice summer and are ready to learn new and exciting things this year in 6th grade! This website will be a great resource for you and has some fun things to explore, including some things about me! 


Supplies for Math Class: Notebook & a Folder!

**If the 3 subject notebook is making your child's backpack too heavy, I understand and they may downgrade to just a folder WITH loose leaf paper! They must have some paper to use for Do Now's, homework and classwork.  Thank you!** 

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at I look forward to having a successful and fun school year!

 Google Classroom Code:    2bmzwz7 

Check out my Math Virtual Classroom!! 

Has helpful links for you!  Click Here!

*Be sure to view the google doc full screen to be able to click the objects*


Can buy on Amazon, or even at Costco!!

They also have other subjects! (LA, History, Science)

Click me for 23 fun activities to improve math facts!