Saturday, October 5, 2024
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location - NH Middle School Annex Gym
On sale: Sept 3rd - Sept 24th
Cost $23.48 per ticket (includes all tax & fees)
North Hills 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade students are permitted to purchase tickets!
Outside guests WILL be permitted -- see below for procedures
All tickets will be purchased ONLINE through
BOTH the NH student & a parent/guardian will need to create accounts
All necessary forms will be filled out online when you go to purchase your ticket
Tickets will be scanned electronically at the door -- no paper tickets will be given
Tickets are NON-refundable and NON-transferrable -- this means if you decide not to attend you CANNOT give your ticket to another student
NO tickets will be sold after the sales window has ended. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!
If you have any questions please contact the Dance Administrator --
To purchase tickets use the link below to set up an account.
NH STUDENTS: use your student gmail address to sign up!
For a step by step tutorial please refer to the HOW TO TUTORIALS
Outside Guest Details & Procedures
All outside guests...
MUST be accompanied by & check-in with a current North Hills 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student
MUST have all waivers completed electronically before the tickets are released -- This will require the guest to create a myschooldance account AFTER the NH student has purchased both tickets. Waivers will need a parent/guardian signature as well as a school principal signature.
Outside guests are considered to be...
Any non-North Hills High School in grades 9th or above or a non-high school student 19 years of age or younger -- IDs will be checked
Your request to bring an outside guest may be DENIED if the...
Guest is a North Hills School District volunteer and/or employee
Guest is not in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade or over the age of 19 years old -- IDs will be checked
Guest is not in good standing in their current district/situation
Outside Guest Procedures for Obtaining a Ticket
The North Hills High School student will purchase TWO (2) tickets through -- one for themselves and one for the outside guest
The outside guest will receive an email from prompting them to create an account
*check your spam if you do not receive the email
The outside guest will be prompted to enter parent/guardian information and current high school information
If the outside guest DOES NOT attend a school (high school, college, etc.) -- choose "My school isn't listed OR I don't attend a K-12 school" as your high school and one of the North Hills principals will sign for your admittance.
Once the North Hills High School Student student has BOTH their student and parent/guardian waivers submitted AND the outside guest has their student, parent/guardian and principal waivers submitted ONLY THEN will BOTH tickets be released.
If you have any questions or need to make changes or clarification on the guest procedures please email the dance administrator directly at
Appropriate dress is required: Semi - Formal Wear
It is required that shoes are worn at all times -- please plan accordingly
Refreshments will be served
DJ & other games/activities
Photo Station
Click HERE to view the full Event Agreement Waiver
All aspects of the Student Handbook and the District Discipline Policy remain in effect during the event.
Students are not permitted to leave the event prior to the end time without administrative approval and parental consent.
Inappropriate or disruptive behavior may result in removal from the event.
Any student suspected or found smoking/vaping, under the influence, using, or in possession of alcohol or controlled substances will face the following consequences:
§ Your parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified to escort you home.
§ You will receive disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Student Handbook and charged under any applicable laws.
§ If your parent(s)/guardian(s) are not available to take you home, you will remain under police custody.
Students serving out-of-school suspension or on Activity Restriction are not permitted to attend.
No refunds will be issued. Tickets CANNOT be transferred to another student or guest.