Kaitlyn O'Keeffe

Broadcast Journalist of the Year Portfolio Entry

Personal Statement

Jimmy Neil Smith, the founder of the  International Storytelling Center, is famously known for believing "Seven Billion Stories, Seven Billion Dreams", a belief that I think perfectly encapsulates the importance of journalism.  Nothing connects people more than a story. Everyone deserves to share their individual story and through sharing, be able to connect with those around them. 

When I was young, I was not good at communicating, often feeling like the words got stuck in my throat. It wasn't until I began broadcast journalism that I understood the importance of expression. Through reporting, I’ve learned that everyone has a story and, like me, many have difficulty expressing themselves. I am passionate about bringing light to the "seven billion stories" in the world. Interviewing and listening to stories has connected me to my community and through editing and exporting them, I hope I have been able to connect others in the same way. It is an honor to be given that opportunity. Thank you to everyone who has ever let me share their story and thank you to everyone who listens.