Early Childhood Google Site


Early Learning Leadership Network 23-24

Do you feel overwhelmed by the complexity of all of the components leading to high-quality preschool programming?  If so, come join the Early Learning Leadership Network which is dedicated to providing updates and state and federal guidance related to hot topics impacting your local preschool program. Whether you are a Special Education Director, Preschool Supervisor, Principal at a district, ESC, or Board of Developmental Disabilities, this network will help provide guidance and support.  Ongoing opportunities are embedded throughout to collaborate and learn from colleagues from across the region. 

October 5, 2023 Slides

December 7, 2023 Slides

February 8,  2024 Slides

April 11, 2024 Slides

Early Learning Leadership Open Office Hour 23-24

This open office hour will be held on months opposite the Early Learning Leadership Network meetings.  Updates will be sent out prior to office hours and during the session discussion will take place. A certificate through the SST will be given for sessions attended, but there will not be OCCRRA Ohio Approved Hours granted. 

Dates:  September 21, 2023, November 2, 2023, January 4, 2024, March 7, 2024 

Itinerant Network 23-24

"When students with disabilities are integrated throughout the day, they gain greater social competence, more time with peers, and less time alone" (Cole and Meyer, 1991).  ODE requires districts/programs to offer a continuum of special education services. Preschool Itinerant Specialists assist in fulfilling this requirement as they provide special education services in the child’s Least Restrictive Environment (e.g., home, community child care setting, public preschool program). Itinerant professionals face challenges that can differ from their classroom-based colleagues.  Time will be embedded for participants to actively engage in discussion with other itinerant providers within Regions 1 & 6.

Itinerant Padlet

October 6, 2023 Slides

January 5, 2024 Slides

Early Childhood Literacy Community of Practice 23-24

Are you looking for ways to support literacy in the Early Childhood Classroom including assessments, instruction, and interventions? We welcome literacy leaders to join our Regional Early Childhood Literacy Community of Practice. This meeting will provide networking opportunities and information that explore the latest topics aligned to Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement.  The specific topics will be added to the flyer.  A community solutions-based approach will be used to develop a plan of action for the year. 

These are in person at the SST6 from 12:30-2:30 pm following the Early Learnig Leadership Network on the following dates:  October 5, 2023, December 7, 2023, February 8, 2024 and April 11, 2024

Early Childhood PBIS & Mental Health Resources 23-24

90% of brain development occurs before kindergarten, yet infants and toddlers had limited social interaction and play-based learning during the pandemic—many experienced high-stress levels. Returning to the learning environment, many early childhood students with poor or underdeveloped social and emotional skills display challenging behaviors, including anger, withdrawal, anxiety, and aggression. I've included resources to support our youngest learners and how you can connect to and strengthen your PBIS matrix for positive interactions. 

Early Childhood Mental Health Padlet

Region 6 Resources

Center on PBIS:  Early Childhood

Book Study: Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed to Trauma

Prior Trainings and Resources

This section is devoted to past trainings and resources

Early Learning Leadership Network Past Training and Resources

Itinerant Network Past Trainng and Resources

Visual Supports/Structure

Three preschool programs within the region, Sidney, Midwest Regional ESC, and Discovery Center, are making additional efforts to add a layer of coaching within their classrooms to enhance evidence-based strategies for students with autism and other disabilities.  

Ohio Approved Trainings

Preschool Special Education 101 Modules

Child Find

This module focuses on understanding Child Find. Professionals will learn about the federal and state requirements to locate, identify, and serve children with disabilities in preschool special education. Learn More

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This module focuses on understanding confidentiality. Protecting student privacy is a critical element of education and it will be important to understand the federal laws that surround educational records. Learn More

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Procedural Safeguards

This module focuses on procedural safeguards. Procedural safeguards ensure parent's rights throughout a child's special education services. Learn More

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Transportation of Preschool Children with Disabilities

This module focuses on transportation. Transportation means travel to and from school, between schools, and in and around school buildings, during normal school hours and outside of normal school hours if included on the individual education program. Learn More

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Full individual initial preschool evaluations must be conducted before special education and related services may begin. There are many components to the preschool evaluation process. Procedures must be in place before, during, and after the evaluation occurs. Learn More

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Free Appropriate Public Education

All children with disabilities are guaranteed the right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). This means that under the IDEA law, all children with disabilities are afforded an educational program that is individualized to a specific child, that meets that child’s unique needs. Learn More

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Coming Soon!

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Delivery of Services