Kathleen Boyer's Website

Bio- Mrs. Kathleen H. Boyer

The 2019-2020 school year is the start of my 21st year in Springfield School District and I am happy to say that all of my years have been at E.T.Richardson Middle School. Before 1999, I was at George Read Middle School in New Castle, DE for 16 years where I taught middle school band and general music.

I have both my undergraduate and masters degree from West Chester University. My husband is also a musician (drummer) and he sells musical instruments. My daughter is a high school English teacher and my son is a videographer.

I play the French horn and am assistant conductor in a Community Band in West Chester. I also play French horn in the Chester County Pops Orchestra.

I am very involved in PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association). I am now the Fest Coordinator for PMEA District 12. I assist teachers who will be hosting a fest in our district.