SSD Parent Education & Diversity Awareness Program:

Resources for Families During School Closure

Resources: Executive Functioning Videos

​In addition to the wealth of resources found on Parent Education webpages, including resource packets, videos, articles, etc., below are a collection of online tools and home based ideas for families while schools are closed. If you have an idea to add to this page, please email

For Special School District of St. Louis County specific resources and updates related to COVID-19, please visit the SSD public website or visit Return to School Guidance

Please note that the compilation of resources below are based on suggestions from various organizations and do not constitute an endorsement from SSD. Please make sure to check any site or resource before sharing with your student.

Executive Functioning Videos

Building Organizational Skills and Executive Functions in Children with ADHD. NYU Langone Health. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often struggle with organizing schoolwork, managing time, and planning projects. NYU Langone psychologist Dr. Richard Gallagher discusses techniques and best practices from our highly successful book, Organizational Skills Training for Children with ADHD. (31 minutes)

InBrief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning Center on Developing Child at Harvard University. This 5-minute video provides an overview of Building the Brain’s “Air Traffic Control” System. (5 minutes)

Organization Skills for Children. Akron Children’s Hospital. Between school science projects, soccer practice, ballet lessons and the visit from Aunt Bea, today’s kids have a lot to keep straight. In this Children’s Channel video podcast, Geoffrey Putt, PsyD, director of parenting and family support at Akron Children’s Hospital, offers some tips to help parents keep their kids organized at home, at school and everywhere in between. (5 minutes)

Organizational Skills for High School Students. Parent Insider. Teens with executive function issues become easily overwhelmed with large workloads. However, teens can develop organizational skills to succeed. Here are tips to improve material organization, time management, learning styles, memory strategies, note taking and written language so your teen can perform better in school and in other areas of their life. (2 minutes)

Overcoming Academic Obstacles: From Procrastination to Perfectionism. Educational Connections. Tips, Tools, and Solutions for Academic Success. This presentation will cover organization, tools to tackle distraction, procrastination, study skills, and more! (46 minutes)

Part 1: Planning Phase - Schedule & Task Management (25 minutes) PACER Center

Penn State Student Disability Resources (SDR) Study Skills! (8 minutes)

Study Skills 1: Research and Note-taking Skills Center on Technology and Disability. Researching and taking notes is an important activity central to the academic lives of many teens and adults. This webinar for parents with Tara Bruss and Sarah Giffen-Hunter begins with a discussion of the purpose of note-taking and useful strategies to employ. Tools include a range of technology supports for taking notes while listening to information and instruction, taking notes while reading, and organizing the information. (1 hour)

Support for Students with Executive Functioning Deficits Barbara Haas-Givler, is a board certified behavior analyst and Director of Education & Behavioral Outreach at Geisinger’s Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute (ADMI). In this webinar, Ms, Haas-Givler will discuss strategies in which we can support students who have executive functioning deficits. (47 minutes)

Technologies and Strategies to Help Students Start, Focus, and Finish Strong. We expect students to have executive function skills, yet, they are rarely explicitly taught in the classroom. Many of our students with learning differences and attentional difficulties experience issues with starting, maintaining focus, and finishing tasks. Using Dr. Thomas Brown’s model of executive function, Todd Hanson from the Groves Academy will explore the processes and tools available to help in each of the areas of activation, focus, effort, emotion, memory and action.(58 minutes)

Visual Strategies for Organization and Planning LD@School. Students who have learning disabilities and difficulties in executive functioning skill frequently struggle to keep track of the things they need for schoolwork. For many of these students, explicit teaching of strategies for organization and planning – especially VISUAL strategies – is essential to the learning process. This online professional learning video is a joint venture between the Ottawa Carleton District School Board and the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario’s LD@school Project. Our goal is to teach educators and parents how using visual structure and supports can improve organization and planning in our students. (25 minutes)

What’s Executive Function—and Why Does It Matter? (2 minutes) Edutopia.