School Closure Resources for Staff

During this time of school closure, please use any materials and resources provided in this repository as approved /permitted by your SSD Administrator and in alignment with district/partner district expectations given the variance across the county.

Use the tabs in the navigation bar (top of the screen) to access materials and resources for the following areas:

Staying Connected⮕Links and support for online tools

Content ⮕Curricular Resources

Engagement ⮕Strategies and resources to engage students in distance learning

Taking Care of Self and Others⮕ Mindful resources to support teachers and students

Professional Learning ⮕Keep learning and growing in areas of interest/passion during the closure.

Other SSD Department Resources ⮕ Other Departments are offering some great resources, too.

Need instructional support for literacy, numeracy or social emotional learning? Click the button above for additional avenues to reach Planning & Development facilitators, coaches and Effective Practice Specialists.

Stay updated on the district's efforts to keep staff, families, and the community informed about the latest Covid-19 news.