1st-3rd Grade Curriculum

1st Grade Curriculum

Our first graders started the year with a fun get to know you STEAM Name Tag challenge. We have since moved on to exploring our 5 Senses in a variety of ways including through observation and discovery with our "Mystery Socks". We made our own "Forky" study buddy to help remind us of the hard work, dedication and FUN scientists have as they investigate and observe. Finally, we started our new module, Animal Reporters, where students will discover how animals use their body parts and how young animals both resemble and differ from their parents.

2nd Grade Curriculum

Our second graders kicked off the school year with a get to know you STEAM Name Tag challenge. After we learned a little more about one another we explored our 5 Senses and talked about the importance in using all 5 senses as careful observers in science. Our first unit, Masters of Materials, started with a bubble exploration where we took time to observe the properties of bubbles. Junior scientists will work to explore, sort, compare and recognize properties of materials as we take on projects and challenges in September and October.


Our 3rd grade Junior Scientists kicked off the school year with a get to know you STEAM Name Tag challenge. Third graders have started a unit titled, The Ultimate Playground. The first challenge in this unit is to work together as a team to crate an umbrella to protect a pet from rain and snow. They are working as teams of scientists to research ideas, investigate solutions and improve their designs.