Miss Rosenswie

Colden Elementary Art

“Some people only dream about meeting their favorite artists. I teach mine!”

Welcome to Art!

My name is Miss Rosenswie.

I am the Art Teacher at Colden Elementary!

I am so excited to teach your children this school year!

In this classroom...

We try our best. We are a team. We learn from our mistakes.

We celebrate other's success. We respect each other. We create!

What we will be doing in class this year:

  1. We will learn about the greatest artists on the planet!

  2. We will create successful works of art.

  3. We will learn the elements and principles of art.

  4. We will be painting, drawing, sculpting, and more!

  5. We will have fun! (while we learn, of course)

Our Class Rules:

A: Aim to do your best!

R: Respect yourself, your friends, and the art room!

T: Trust in yourself and your ability to create!