Ms. L. Douglass

5th Grade 2021/2022

Great things will happen this school year!


Classwork will be completed on two platforms, Schoology and pencil/paper. All classwork must be completed by the due date, after which it will be no longer accessible. A calendar with assignment due dates is available on the "What's Due When" page.

Grading Policy

Northgate Crossing Elementary follows Spring ISD grading policy. You can find this policy in its entirety in the SISD Student Handbook.

Contact Information

You can email me at anytime at

Conference Period: M-F, 11:00 -11:45.

I've also given my phone number to my students and their families. Feel free to phone (up to 9pm) with any questions, concerns, or recommendations.

Don't forget to mask up!

Ruby - cousin to Tigger