Ms. Bonton's

2nd Grade Class

Hello? I am Ms. Bonton.

I am excited about all the learning we will be doing this year in second grade. Please take the time to work with your scholar on their homework every night to help them master second grade skills. For your child’s journey to be successful, it is essential for me to understand that each child is a unique individual with special qualities and needs. With the support of students and families, we will create a classroom environment that will recognize and respect individuality. To support each student’s learning, I will create a classroom that offers a variety of meaningful teaching styles so that each child will have the opportunity to succeed. The children will grow and learn at their own rate. I invite you to play an active role in your child’s education by talking with your child each day about their learning, studying spelling words, reading every night, and communicating with me.
Welcome to my e-portfolio! My name is Linda Bonton. I have lived in Houston my entire life. I graduated from University of North Texas with a Bachelor in Business Administration. I graduated from Texas Southern University with a Master’s Degree in Education with an emphasis on Curriculum and Instruction. I am currently working on a Master’s Degree in Human Science at Prairie A & M University.My hobbies are writing, teaching and watching premier movies. I love watching the premier movies every Friday and Saturday. I enjoy writing Christian’s plays for my church family. I enjoy teaching bible lessons for Baptist Training Union Class, Sunday School Class, and Youth Ministries. My goal is to achieve ultimate student success each day I enter my classroom. I truly believe that the relationship between the community, church, classroom and home help students to be successful in life. I want my students to become lifelong learners and become productive citizens in this global market. I must continually step up to the plate of change by suing all avenues available to pride a quality education for all