Rules & Routines

Attendance & Absences

Attendance is a predictor of school success, and chronic absenteeism is a predictor of school failure. 5th graders need to come to school every day and be on time. If your child will be absent for a medical or family emergency, please excuse the absence as soon as possible by telephoning the office at 541-988-2511. Homework is due the day students return to school, and a one day extension will be given for assignments from the missed day of school. If attendance becomes a problem, school administration will be forced to intervene. Thank you for your help with this very important issue


At Riverbend, students are expected to be safe, respectful, and responsible everywhere in the building, with any adult supervisor, and with one another. Great behavior is rewarded! 5th grade teachers use programs like Go for Gold!, team points, class points, and the Star Reacher program to reinforce what is expected. When a student does not meet expectations, this is a learning opportunity. We discuss better choices and allow the student to try again. If behaviors continue, there may be a small consequence, think sheet, or deeper discussion, and the behavior will be documented as a minor referral. If the behavior escalates or continues without the student taking action to change, a consequence and parent contact will follow and it will be documented for the office as a major referral. On guest teacher days, if a student's name is written down as having problematic behavior throughout the day, a referral will be written. Star Reachers with problematic behavior on guest teacher days will lose their badges because, by definition, a Star Reacher is a student who shows exceptional responsibility in all contexts.


Students are required to read at home for 20 minutes Monday-Thursday, a total of 80 minutes per week. Please initial the homework calendar in your child's homework folder for the dates your child read. All 80 minutes are due with signatures on Friday mornings. Other homework will be unfinished work from class and it will listed on the lined paper in students' homework folders. Flyers and notes will be sent home occasionally requiring a signature on a line like this x___________________. Students with missing work will do a study hall on Fridays. Please contact your child's teacher to problem solve if homework becomes an issue.

Ways to Read: There are many ways to read for 20 minutes. For example, students can read with parents or siblings, listen to someone reading, read to self, or record themselves reading. We suggest all student practice reading aloud with expression.

More Practice: We encourage families to require extra practice at home. Suggestions include Reflex Math, iReady, and Prodigy. These are all available from the students’ google accounts. It is also important that students have large amounts of unstructured, screen-free, physical, and outdoor time in the evenings, and we have given 5th graders less homework to make time for those important activities.

Work Completion

5th grade, the last grade before entering middle school, is an important time to to have high expectations about turning in on-time, quality work. Riverbend 5th grade teachers expect and track timely work completion, and this information is used to determine report card grades at the end of each trimester. Students who complete work on time earn free time at the end of each bi-weekly cycle.

Mrs. Erickson's Work Completion Charts (you will need to know your child's student #)

Mrs. Burgin's Work Completion Chart (you will need to know your child's student #)


The 5th grade teachers use Google Classroom to house all online assignments and resources. Ask your child to log into his or her Google account to view their class work, and ask your child's teacher to send you a weekly digest of his/her online work through Google Classroom.

Students use chrome books at school to complete online work. Along with the privilege of using them comes responsibility. We take student safety very seriously at Riverbend especially when it comes to using the internet, computers and iPads. Thanks to Springfield residents' approval of the Bond Measure in 2014, we now have brand new computers and iPads at our school!

Students will...

  • treat the computer with care knowing it will cost up to $1,000 to replace.
  • have clean hands before I use the keyboard.
  • only go to my work on the computer.
  • give compliments and constructive feedback on other’s work.
  • only use teacher approved apps and websites.

Students will not...

  • change anything on the image of the screen (size, color, background).
  • search for inappropriate content.
  • open files that do not pertain to my work.
  • delete files that do not pertain to my work.

Dress Code

At Riverbend we are proud of our safe and respectful learning environment. We strive to keep our school free of disruptions and messages that may interfere with a safe and respectful atmosphere. This goal can only be accomplished with the cooperation of our families, students, and staff members. Please see our policies in the slide show below.


Friendships, Relationships, & Dating

We believe dating is not appropriate for 5th grade students and have a "no dating, no exceptions" policy in 5th grade and across the building. Students of this age do not know how to process romantic relationships maturely, and this causes serious drama and distractions that affect the learning environment. We encourage our 5th graders to focus on friendships that don't include dating until they and their parents feel they are ready, and after 5th grade. This is a nice article to help parents talk to their kids who are interested in dating.


The school district encourages students to avoid bringing electronic devices to school. If a student brings an electronic device (phone, gaming device, iPod, laptop, etc.) to school, we expect the devices to be both off and put away in backpacks upon arrival to school grounds. Unless otherwise authorized by school personnel, the device should remain off and away until student exits the school grounds. The school does not accept responsibility for devices that may become lost or stolen while at school.

If a student is found using a personal electronic device at school the staff member reserves the right to confiscate the device and request a parent/guardian to pick it up from the office.

Occasionally, teachers will allow an electronic device to be brought as a reward (electronics party) or for a long field trip. Written notice will be provided. Participation in these activities is at parents' discretion, and although we will lock doors and supervise closely during these events, devices are the responsibility of the student, not the teacher or the school.


Springfield Policy: In order to prevent disruption in school, birthday parties are not permitted. Please do not send treats or goody bags to school with your child. Birthday invitations can become a distraction or cause for hurt feelings. We ask that invitations to parties be distributed outside of school hours. Please contact your child’s teacher prior to sending any invitations to school.

Your child's birthday will be recognized in class.

Toys and Personal Effects

5th graders should not bring distracting toys and personal effects to school or class. If there is a reasonable purpose for having these items (for aftercare, returning to a friend), students are expected to store them in their backpack and not bring them out in class. Teachers may confiscate items if this policy is broken, and the items will be returned at the end of the year or directly to parents. We believe that most 5th graders are mature enough to respect this policy or risk the consequences. Please contact your child's teacher for special circumstances.


If you know you are moving, please directly notify the teacher rather than sending word through your child. Let us know well in advance so we can help your child prepare and say goodbye to classmates. Please return any library books before leaving school.