Grading Policy for Music Classes

  • Students come to music once a week.
  • Students will receive a grade for each day they are in music.
  • Students will begin each class with a grade of 100.
  • Classroom behavior expectations are posted in the class. Not following the expectations will result in points being deducted from grades. 1st and 2nd graders will lose 5 points per infraction. 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will lose 10 points per infraction.
  • Music grades will be included on progress reports.

Music Class Expectations

1. Speak at appropriate times.

2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

3. Sit correctly.

4. Be respectful to your classmates, your teacher, the classroom, instruments and the music.

5. Food, candy, gum and toys are not needed in Music Class

6. Follow all directions.

7. Participate! (double points taken off for not participating).

18-19 Music Schedule