Park Middle School Garden

Welcome to the website of Park Middle School's Garden Club. You can check here to see what has been happening in the garden, to share your ideas for the garden, and perhaps to be inspired for creating your own garden! We are also tracking the journey of our friend, Slagathor, the mighty Monarch, as he travels to Mexico for the winter. We await the return of Slagathor Junior, this spring when the Monarchs complete their journey north. We have much to do to prepare our garden to be a suitable habitat for Slagothor's children and grandchildren. Below is our Padlet, which you can post on to give us feedback on, make sure it is foucased on gradening ONLY!!!!

The Garden Awakens!

Snow peas are a fun, early spring crop

Tulips tell us when spring has arrived!

You can share your thoughts and ideas on our Padlet! Click below...

Putting the Garden to bed for the winter :(


We planted cloves of garlic - in the spring we will harvest complete bulbs!

Cold-weather greens

Lettuce, kale and snow peas like the cold weather. We will cover them with greenhouses to extend the harvest.

Carrots for Spring

Carrots are another thing that grow in the garden. When winter approaches we harvest them. They turn out really tiny as you can see in the picture above

Under here is where we grow.....

Peas and different types of kale!

This summer we harvested many vegetables and herbs, and created some delicious culinary delights. See the Recipes! page for more information!

Carrots coming out!

The new born lettuce!

Barthomlue the loner, he says, "I need a friend please..."

Barthomlue misses Slagothor, and wishes for his return, but little does he know he will never see him again.

Slagothor Bellows his famous war cry!


Last ground cherry harvest

Also known as "husk cherries" - they look like baby tomatillos.

So many ground cherries make...

Each ground cherry is husked and then is ready to eat.

Ground cherry jam!

3 cups of ground cherries + 1 cup of sugar + 2 tablespoons of lemon juice... Cook for about 30 minutes, let cool and enjoy!

Gardens Grow Butterflies, too! (And Gnomes!) See the SLAGOTHOR page for more information about the Monarch butterflies

Slagathor the butterfly

Bow before him.

Slagothor conquers all

The mighty butterfly.. who later flew away to rule another area!

Barthomlue the gnome

Just a gnome living life as the right-hand man of Slagothor

How Monarch Butterflies are born


Stage 1

They all start out as caterpillars.

Stage 2

When a certain time comes, they start to make something called a chrysalis.

Stage 3

They come out of their chrysalis, and are now, butterfly!

Stage four:


The courtyard transformed, just like caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies!


This is how the garden club first started out, aka, BOOOOOOORIIIIING!!!!


This is how it turned out. Look at the awesome transformation! aka, NOT BORING, FUN!!!!!!

Slagothors Domain!

and ours but most impotantly Slagathor's

Garden Club calendar