Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I know what to do each day in Apex?

You should work in every course every day. Follow the PACING GUIDE for each course and complete the assignments daily.

  1. What should I do if I am having a problem related to my Chromebook or charger?

Email Dr. Amanda Cox at

  1. What do I do if I get locked out of an Apex quiz or test?

If you are locked out of an Apex quiz or test, this means you have tried it three times and scored less than a 60% each time. To avoid getting locked out of a quiz or test, be sure that you have carefully completed the lessons and studied to prepare for the quiz or test. Your scores count as grades. If you get locked out, you need to complete the Apex Reset Form. Your academic advisor will only unlock the quiz one time.

  1. May I retake a quiz to make a better grade?

Yes. If you passed a quiz (60% or better), but would like to retake the quiz to try improve you grade, complete the APEX Reset Form. You will have one more opportunity to take the quiz.

  1. Do I have to attend the virtual Google Meets with my advisor every day?

Yes. Students are required to attend the morning Google Meet sessions with their Apex advisor daily. During this time, Apex advisors share important information and announcements with students.

  1. What do I need to do if I need to talk to a guidance counselor?

Email Joni McDade at (6th & 7th grades) or Jeremy Wyatt at (8th grade).

  1. How can I get help when I don't understand my work?

Complete a tutoring form if you do not understand a lesson or concept AFTER you have read everything carefully, watched the instructional videos, completed the study guide and/or practice activities, and taken notes from the “study” section of the lesson. Tutors are available free of charge to all Virtual Academy students.

  1. How are my grades calculated?

The only grades that count in the gradebook are the grades on quizzes and tests. Therefore, it is important that you prepare well for your quizzes and tests by studying the lessons, using the study guides, and completing practice activities. You should check your grades in the PowerSchool Parent & Student portal weekly.

  1. Do I have to turn in the “practice” assignments?

Practice assignments and study guides are great tools for you to prepare for the quizzes and tests. You do NOT need to turn these practice assignments in to your Apex Advisor (with the exception of Horizons Science and high school credit courses), but they will help you when you take your assessments.

  1. How is my attendance taken?

Attendance is determined by whether or not a student submits work/assignments or participates in assigned learning activities by the deadline. Teachers will submit daily attendance marking students “present.” Students who fail to submit assignments or participate in assigned experiences within a three-day time-frame will then be coded as absent for the virtual learning day. Teachers are will reconcile attendance weekly.