Contact Us
The best way to contact the Parish Council is to contact the clerk during reasonable working hours. Her details are:
Melanie Bickell
Lower Itton, Itton, Spreyton EX17 5BB
07543 443819
The clerk will always try to get back to you within 5 working days but only works 8 hours a week so may not always be available. Please try to keep calls within reasonable working hours and keep all communication civil, tasteful and relevant. The clerk is the Proper Officer of the Parish Council and also acts as the Responsible Financial Officer. She is impartial and advises Council on best procedures.
The Parish Council does operate a Facebook account and a Twitter account but in line with our social media policy (see below), contacting Council through those channels will not be regarded as official correspondence. Again, please keep all communication civil, tasteful and relevant.
The Parish Council does not respond to anonymous communication.
Our Social Media Policy discusses how Council interacts with the public via its website and social media. This is an important read if you are considering contacting us via social media.
Our Petitions Policy dictates how Council will respond to petitions and how any petition to the Council should be carried out.