2 Educational Email Accts.

* One is required - One is a bonus *

  1. REQUIRED: An @SeattleColleges.edu Microsoft educational email account is required to access to campus computers, connected printers, WiFi and Office 365 applications while actively enrolled.
  2. BONUS: An @SouthSeattle.edu Google educational email account provides with unlimited Google Drive space, no ads, its FERPA safe, and you can keep your account beyond graduation!
Google Apps for Education

Google Suite for Education

Since 2007, all Seattle College employee and students registered for classes have access to a college specific (South, Central, SVI and North) Google Suite for Education (GS4E) account.

To receive your bonus ____.____@SouthSeattle.edu account request your account via: http://southseattle.info

Learn more about Google Suite for Education (GS4E), below
Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Since 2016, all Seattle College employees and actively enrolled students have a Microsoft Office 365 (O365) account.

To activate your required ____.____@SeattleColleges.edu account: https://tools.seattlecolleges.edu


NOTE: To be issued either of the above .edu email accounts, you must be a registered student or employee with South Seattle College. For help go to Instructional Support Service's help form, https://southseattle.info

How to Forward my @SouthSeattle.edu Email

These days we all have too many email accounts. To help narrow down how many we need to check for mail, we can forward our @SouthSeattle.edu email to our preferred email account with these instructions.

    1. Login to your SouthSeattle.edu email account http://mail.southseattle.edu or http://gmail.com
    2. Click the Gear (icon) in the upper-right hand corner
    3. Select 'Mail Settings'
    4. Click 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' (tab)
    5. Click "Add a Forwarding Address"
    6. Enter your preferred email address - click "Next"
    7. A message tells you "a Confirmation Code has been sent to verify permission" - click "OK"
    8. Go to your preferred email account to find your confirmation email from South Seattle College with a link in it - click the link
    9. Go back to your @southseattle.edu email account (gear icon > email settings > Forwarding POP/IMAP)
    10. Click the radio button next to 'Forward a copy of incoming mail to'
    11. Click "Save Changes" (at the bottom of the page)
    12. NOTE: Send a test email to your @SouthSeattle.edu account to be sure it's working as expected

What is Google Suite for Education?

Google Suite (for Education) is a collection of communication and collaboration tools available to all students and employees at South Seattle, North Seattle, Georgetown and Seattle Central College(s).

Several things Google Suite for Education (GS4E) apart from a public Google account with apps. For example, GS4E provides unlimited drive space and there are no ads! Also, a .edu account can provide numerous discounts in many markets.

Google Suite for Education includes the following and more ...

      • Docs (documents)
      • Sheets (spreadsheets)
      • Slides (presentation)
      • Forms (online forms!)
    • GMAIL (12) Training Videos
    • SITES (17) Training Videos
    • CALENDAR (14) Training Videos
Google Apps for Education - South Seattle College

.edu (email account) BENEFITS!

Gmail v.s. Google Suite for Education

While our Google Suite for Education (GS4E) system is hosted by Google and includes Gmail and Google apps, it is completely separate and independent from other Google accounts you may have.

You can have both a regular Gmail account and a South Seattle College campus student email and apps (GS4E) account. You can even be logged into both simultaneously and easily "switch" toggle between your two accounts!

For a detailed explanation on differences between a Google Account and Google Suite please read this.

Do people at Google or South know my @SouthSeattle.edu (GS4E) password?

Absolutely NOT. Google has an encrypted hash created from your password. Google's Recommended Security Checklist

Is my @SouthSeattle.edu (GS4E) Account Ever Deleted?

South Seattle College (SSC) Google Suite for Education (GS4E) accounts are never deleted without the owner's consent.

Since 2007, Google has provided educational institutions massive amounts of free educational tools. Including unlimited DRIVE space. No accounts are deleted unless requested by the owner of the account.

Do GS4E accounts share information w/other campus'?

Nope - South Seattle College Google Suite for Education (GS4E) accounts are NOT related to any other campus accounts. GS4E accounts reside on Google servers, only. These are separate systems that bear similar login and password structure, only.

(3) Ways to ‘Opt Out’ of @SouthSeattle.edu Email

Filter, Delete Account, and Stop Forwarding, Please review these instructions.