

Brenda Hammond

Director of Transportation


Welcome to the transportation department at South Range Local Schools. We are excited for the 2023-2024 school year and hope your child is ready for an amazing year. Please review our page for transportation information.


Director of Transportation:

Brenda  Hammond

Phone: 330-549-4086

Fax: 330-549-4746

Office located in the bus garage. Hours are between 6:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M.


Bus Drivers:

Bus #1- Julie Johnson

Bus #2-Ed Schaefer

Bus #3- Janet Freedy

Bus #4 - Mr. Dwight Stacy

Bus #6 - Mr. Jim Terry

Bus #7- Jack Nemergut

Bus #8- Donna Evans

Bus # 10- Eric Bodine

Bus #11- Ralph Binder

Bus #12- Steve Kapus

Bus #14- Sara Baird

Bus #15-Carla Yankowski

Bus #19- Matt Furdich

Bus #23- Doug Sage

Bus #24- Lacey Kramer

Bus #25- Amy Ewing

Bus #28- Scott Yungen


Paul Cubick

Sara Durr

Keith Martig

Rob White

Doug Wilson

Shawna Wilt


Dee Brumbaugh

Bob Donaldson

Danielle Kolarik


Paul Cubick

Ryan Dunn

Standard Bus Rules:

1. Observe same conduct as in the classroom,

2. Be Courteous. Do not use profane language.

3. Do not eat or drink on the bus.

4. Keep the bus clean.

5. Cooperate and be respectful to the bus driver.

6. Do not vandalize or damage the bus.

7. Stay in your seat until the bus stops. Back on back, sit on seat, feet on floor.

8. Keep head, hands, and feet (and all belongings) out of the aisle and inside the bus.

9. Keep your hands to yourself. No physical contact.

10. Bus driver is authorized (by Ohio Revised Code) to assign seats.


Safety Guidelines:

At Your Bus Stop

Getting On Your Bus

On Your Bus

MCCTC Information:

      - When South Range is NOT in session, MCCTC MUST provide their own ride to South Range High School for a ride on one of our buses to MCCTC. The bus will bring them back at the end of the day as well. 

Mission Statement:

Our mission in the transportation department here at South Range is to safely and efficiently transport our most precious cargo to and from school and all extra-curricular activities. Our drivers go above-and-beyond the call of duty with their careers and truly want to make a difference in our school system, community, and beyond. By everyone working together, we can help to ensure a safe environment for our students.







Standard Bus Rules:

1. Observe same conduct as in the classroom,

2. Be Courteous. Do not use profane language.

3. Do not eat or drink on the bus.

4. Keep the bus clean.

5. Cooperate and be respectful to the bus driver.

6. Do not vandalize or damage the bus.

7. Stay in your seat until the bus stops. Back on back, sit on seat, feet on floor.

8. Keep head, hands, and feet (and all belongings) out of the aisle and inside the bus.

9. Keep your hands to yourself. No physical contact.

10. Bus driver is authorized (by Ohio Revised Code) to assign seats.


Safety Guidelines:

At Your Bus Stop

Getting On Your Bus

On Your Bus

MCCTC Information:

      - When South Range is NOT in session, MCCTC MUST provide their own ride to South Range High School for a ride on one of our buses to MCCTC. The bus will bring them back at the end of the day as well. 

Mission Statement:

Our mission in the transportation department here at South Range is to safely and efficiently transport our most precious cargo to and from school and all extra-curricular activities. Our drivers go above-and-beyond the call of duty with their careers and truly want to make a difference in our school system, community, and beyond. By everyone working together, we can help to ensure a safe environment for our students.