Our Services

Video is an ever-growing platform, and with the constant rise and usage of Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and much more, video sharing is at an all-time high. Videography is now essentially seen as a promotional tool, as well as a great way to capture events and memories. I pride myself in being able to offer a variety of different videography services, including promotional videos, advertisements, event filming, music videos, and much more. I can offer a wide range of video production services, which I have detailed below... read on to see if I can help you!

COVID 19 UPDATE: Our videography services are currently limited due to government guidelines. The service is, however, still available for essential work (which will be outlined by the government guidelines), with all up-to-date guidelines observed including social distancing and appropriate PPE.

Services currently available are listed below:

  • Corporate Videography (limited to restrictions)

  • Funeral Videography (depending on restrictions)

  • Promotional Videos and Adverts (if not working from home)

  • DVD to VHS/Digital conversion service

Services currently suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions:

  • Event Filming

  • Wedding Videography

  • Promotional Videos and Adverts (if workplaces are closed/working from home)

  • After School & Holiday Clubs/Workshops

Corporate & Wedding Videography

At South Essex Media Productions, when it comes to Wedding videography, we understand just how important it really is to get the right service that suits you for an affordable price... that's what makes our Wedding Videography service so unique! Whether you require full coverage of your wedding, or just highlights, our service is tailor suited to your requirements. We realise that Wedding Videography can be an expensive service, that's why we are fully committed to working with each of our clients to ensure that the service we provide both fits the clients requirements and needs, whilst also ensuring that it remains affordable and reasonable for both ourselves and the client.

In addition to Wedding Videography, we offer tailor-made packages for Corporate Events as well, such as Conferences, Meetings, Training Events, as well as presentations to camera/audiences, instructional videos (with and without green screen), as well as much more!

I have filmed many corporate events before, and I have very good knowledge in this area. To find out if we can support you with filming one of your events, please get in touch with us using the details on the Contact Us page.


Event Filming

We have expertise with filming a variety of different events, including;

Dance and Drama Productions


School Plays

Talent Shows

Birthday Parties

Music Videos

And much more!


Promotional Videos

Are you looking to attract more customers, or attract potential new employees and need an effective, easy way to sell your company to them? A promotional video is a fantastic way to sell your company to potential customers, and show off the great aspects of your company at the same time. Whether you are a business looking to attract more customers, or a school looking to show prospective parents/students what they offer, a promotional video is customisable to your needs. Most promotional videos range from being 3-6 mins long, and we believe it's important that promotional videos aren't too long in length, as many people may not have the time to watch a video about your company which is over 6-7 mins long. If you want to promote various different areas of your company/school, you may find it more beneficial to consider separate videos for different areas. We will discuss this and much more at the time of consulting with you. If you choose to use our services, we will be in touch with you to arrange a call to discuss your video, what is required, how long it will take to complete, and all costs associated with it.



Adverts are slightly different to Promotional Videos in the sense that they are, in general, much shorter and much more to the point. Promo videos are, in general, 30-60 seconds long in length, and aim to attract the eyes of the customer quickly, and draw them into your company/product, whereas promo videos are more in depth about your business/product/service. Advertisements are usually aimed to quickly catch the attention of the general public, and sometimes can be a little more creative than promo videos in order to grab the attention of the viewers. We are happy to discuss your requirements for an advert, and how to bring your vision to life on screen, please get in touch with us via the contact us page to find out more.


VHS to DVD Conversion

We are pleased to now be able to offer VHS to DVD conversion to our customers. Have you got any old VHS tapes at home with old family memories on, but no VHS player to play them on anymore? Well, our VHS to DVD service may be for you!

Base prices for this service start at £20, and include a DVD case along with a DVD of your events, and a digital copy of your video, accessible via a cloud-based service*. Please note that if you require additional tapes to be processed, or would like to be provided with additional copies of the DVD, a small additional cost will apply.

*Files will be made available for you to download onto your devices, and will be deleted from the cloud after 30 days of upload. A digital copy will be kept offline by SEMP, if you need additional access again in the future.

School & Holiday Clubs/Workshops

I am pleased to announce the launch of Filmmaking Workshops and MovieMaking club; joining our list of expanding services, SEMP Workshops are aimed at a wide range of ages, but predominantly targets the younger generation. As well as learning all about filmmaking, these sessions will help to develop key skills such as creative writing, teamwork, decision making, creativity, and much, much more. As well as that, participants will be working together to create a video on a subject of their choosing.

More information on these workshops can be found here, including all information on how to book a workshop or how to book a space on an after school club.

Our Prices

Our prices generally vary from project to project, and are dependant on a number of factors;

  • How long you require a videographer to be on location filming

  • If you require more than 1 videographer on location

  • The estimated amount of time spent to edit your video

  • Any travel costs and expenses that may be incurred by the film crew travelling to and from locations

These prices will not only cover for the videographer's time on location and whilst editing, but it will also cover for wear and tear on equipment whilst on set. Editing time will be estimated and quoted to you before the project begins, and allowances will be then made for any potential delays, to make sure that we not only cover our backs, but don't disappoint you with delays should we experience issues during post production. When it comes to travel costs, we will always endeavour to keep all travel costs and expenses incurred down to an absolute minimum, to keep your project as affordable as possible.

Whilst we don't actively advertise our prices online, we can guarantee that we will try to keep our prices as reasonable as possible, agreeing a suitable price for both the client and ourselves, and as such, this is the reason we don't post set fixed prices online for many of our services. There are a multitude of other reasons why, but the main reason is that most projects vary, and no one project is the same as the other. One project may cost less than another project, but the other project may require more work in post production and editing than another project, which is why our prices may vary; posting our prices online, whilst it may seem very helpful to our customers, can also appear to be misleading if the price you are quoted is different to the one on the website. If you wish to enquire about the prices for our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Booking our Videography Services

Booking our services couldn't be easier! You can make an enquiry or contact us on the Contact Us page - we'll get in touch with you to do the rest!

Please be aware - We do require the following before film shoots can take place:

  • As much notice before a shoot as possible. Whilst we endeavour to fulfil as many requests as possible, it is very possible that if you arrange/book our services at the last minute that you may be disappointed. We recommend between 2-4 weeks notice before a film shoot for us to book in, but we are able to take more advanced bookings than that if you require.

  • A deposit varying between 15-25% of your project's full fee (for most projects). This is to secure your film day with me, pay for any equipment hire, & costs incurred to myself or additional crew members for travel/accommodation. This may rise depending on your production.

  • Sit down discussion, either remotely via phone call or Google Hangout. From this discussion, we will go through what is required and produce a structured film day and edit plan.

  • All legal documents signed including actor release forms and location/filming permissions (if required).

Why do we ask for the above?

Deposit - It's basically to cover our backs and to make sure that the video project is completed in full. Whilst I ask for a portion of the project fee, I do not expect the full payment for the video until the project is completed and the video preview is available. This is mostly done to help protect against non-genuine customers, but it is also done on the occasions where additional crew, travel expenses and/or equipment is required. All of this will be explained to you in the liaison process, where we will detail, set out and agree on a cost up front, which both parties will sign.

Advanced Notice - Simply because our calendar can vary on a week to week basis. We may be available one day a week, but not the next day, so trying to book something in last minute could mean you have a higher risk of being disappointed, as opposed to booking in advance. We only recommend 2-4 weeks as that give us and yourselves plenty of time to get us booked in; if we have something available earlier than that, we will let you know during the liaison process. Please also note that if you cancel within 72 hours (3 working days) of the shoot without good reason or rescheduling the date of the shoot, you may be liable to lose your deposit. This is, again, to help protect us from non genuine customers, and we will detail this in the liaison process.

"Sit down discussion" - This is purely to sit down with you remotely (via phone or video call), and go through your video project and agree a plan for how your final video is going to look. It's good to go through the project in full sometimes for both myself and yourself to fully understand what you want in your final product. For the sake of time and cost, these meetings will normally take place remotely, either via phone or video call. I use Google Hangouts, which is integrated with a Google/Gmail account, however I can use other services such as Skype too should you need to.

Legal documents - Any documents and/or agreements that we send to you will need to be signed, and returned to me before we can begin filming. In addition to this, we will also require any actor/person release forms, so that we can use their images and videos in your production and on our website. If you are a school/academy, please make sure that the relevant students and teachers/support staff (if applicable) have signed photography release forms for the school and that you have acknowledged to us that all persons involved in the film have signed the relevant permissions to be involved.

In addition to this, we will also need to make sure that all permissions for filming on location have been sent through to us for filming on location, whether that be at your company/school's base, or it be in the surrounding area, you need to have the correct filming permissions in place and disclose these to us before we go. This is to protect us and yourselves from any potential legal issues when it comes to making your film.

If you have any questions or queries with regards to any of the above, please get in touch via the contact us page, and I would be more than happy to help.