Finish Strong 2024
Dear friends,
We are so thankful for your generosity towards meeting the needs of the School of Promise over 2024 and especially thankful for your giving at the end of the year. The Lord has done great things and we look forward to what He will accomplish this year.
Our goal of $50,000 has been more than met, as your donations have amounted to $51,032.49. Please keep us in mind this year, sharing with others what God is doing here in Thailand. We welcome each and every person to participate in sharing the Good News of salvation in Christ with children at risk.
This academic year in Thailand will end in March, and school will resume in May of 2025. Keep in touch with us through the HIS Facebook page, at this website, and through the HIS YouTube channel. We will keep you up to date with what the Lord is doing at the School of Promise.
For your gift, please designate
The School of Promise, Chiang Mai
Canadian Givers, please use this button!