Distance Learning Resources

Chromebook & Hotspot Tech Support

Obtain Tech Support via the School District - Obtenga soporte técnico via distrito escolar

How to Obtain Tech Support 👈

If you need assistance with your student Chromebook, view this document to learn how to obtain both in-person and online tech support from the school district

Como obtener soporte técnico 👈

Si necesita ayuda con su Chromebook, lea este documento para ver cómo obtener soporte técnico en persona y en línea.

Chromebook Self-Support Resources for Families - Recursos de auto-ayuda para familias con Chromebooks

👉 Elementary Families (K-5)
Chromebook home use and troubleshooting guides for elementary families - Recursos de auto ayuda para familias y estudiantes de nivel primario (K-5): resuelva problemas comunes con los Chromebooks.

👉 Secondary Families (6-12)
Resources secondary for families and students to independently troubleshoot common CB issues. - Recursos de auto ayuda para familias y estudiantes de nivel secundario (6-12): resuelva problemas comunes con los Chromebooks

Remote Learning System Outage Dashboard


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We hope this message finds you well, healthy and taking care of your families. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Governor Gavin Newsom and State Superintendent Tony Thurmond advised that school classes should continue to take place via distance learning rather than on school campuses throughout the remainder of the 2019-20 school year in California. Sonoma County schools are responding to this guidance by working hard to ensure quality learning opportunities for students via distance learning through the end of the 2019-20 school year.

In an effort to support your children in continuing their learning, we are providing links to online resources for your children to start accessing through this remote learning web page. The resources provided are optional for use for your children and your family. Some of the tools adapt quickly to your child’s current performance levels through the use of readiness assessments and others provide access to grade-level specific content. We encourage you to explore these resources with your children and enjoy this opportunity to learn together. All work is voluntary and nothing is expected to be turned in to our school staff.

In addition to these resources, we are also emailing parents with suggestions of ways to support at-home practice as well as grade-level instructional packets for students in elementary school. These will also be available for pick up at school sites for those without internet access, or a printer.

Thanks for your patience as we navigate this new experience together. Stay safe and remember to practice social distancing. We look forward to seeing you in the fall.

SVUSD Distance Learning Plan for Spring 2020

(Board Approved 5/5/2020)
SVUSD Distance Learning Plan - Spring 2020 - FINAL Board Approved 05052020.