Honors English 9

Please read The Alchemist- Tracing One’s Personal Journey

Note about The Alchemist::

Throughout The Alchemist, the motif of ‘the journey’ is ever-present. Santiago’s journey is both physical in his travels and metaphorical in his spiritual growth throughout the text. This brings him ‘full circle’ back to his beginnings with new knowledge that will shape his understanding of existence. 

Your task

Over the summer, read the book! As you read, for each place Santiago goes on his actual journey,  identify 2-3 quotes for each stop  and write a brief explanation (2 or so sentences) of its significance to his spiritual growth thematically.  Please use this form to keep track of the quotes and your explanations of each.

During the first weeks of school, we will discuss the book as well as the quotes you identified. Then, you will be asked to create a visual map of Santiago’s journey. This can be an actual poster (please use a large poster board that is vibrantly and appropriately decorated) or a digital presentation (Prezi, Slides, etc…). You will present these posters/presentations in class.