Honors English 12

Please read the required text, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, and one choice text from the 2025 Nutmeg Nominee List. 

While reading, it is important to keep notes to be prepared to complete in-class assignments upon return to school. 


Required Text - Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell takes us, his readers, on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band (GoodReads.com).

While reading, please take notes in this attached graphic organizer. It can be turned in electronically or on paper. 

Choice Text - Nutmeg Nominee List

It is a requirement to choose one of the books from the High School Nutmeg Nominee List to read for the start of the school year. This will be a great opportunity to introduce students to new authors. 

Novels on the list are chosen by, “School media specialists, public librarians, and reading teachers may serve on selection committees; however, selection committee members must be members of CLA or CASL. Student representatives also serve on each selection committee (except Elementary).  Two 6/7th graders serve on the Intermediate committee, two 8/9th graders on the Teen committee, and two 10/11th graders on the High School committee. They are selected via an application process” (NutmegAwards.org).

While reading, please take handwritten notes on each section. The handwritten notes should include quotes and will be utilized during an in-class writing task. 

2025 High School Flyer.pdf