Solon High School Silver Cord

What is Silver Cord?

This program has been designed to provide you, the high school student, with opportunities to give back to your community. If you participate for 125 hours as a student at Solon High School, you will earn the honor of wearing a silver cord during your graduation ceremony.  All hours are due by May 1st of your graduation year.

What is Service Learning?

Service Learning should provide real benefit to members of your community. Service Learning is, in many ways, like volunteering in and around your community. The differences are that you will be documenting your participation by providing to the Silver Cord committee a proposal that includes the names of the person/s or agency for which you volunteered so that they can confirm your efforts. You will also keep a reflective journal describing the tasks you perform and what you learn by doing the project.

All projects require a proposal, journal and timesheet to be submitted before hours will be credited towards the total.  BEFORE BEGINNING ANY PROJECT, TURN IN A PROPOSAL FORM, OR AT LEAST CONTACT THE SILVER CORD COORDINATOR.

All Silver Cord projects MUST show a real benefit to members of your community.

Why should I participate?

Helping others is something that can give you a feeling of great satisfaction and accomplishment. Additionally, many scholarship, grant, college and employment applications require you to provide documentation concerning your volunteer experiences. The Silver Cord program is your opportunity to do this.

How do I get started?

The classes of  2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027 need to join the Google Classroom for your graduating year.  Paper forms will no longer be accecpted.  You can contact the Silver Cord coordinator with any questions at

Google classroom codes can be found on your respective class pages or contact for an invite.