

SOIS中等部交流会/SOIS Social Event


SOIS MS Student Council members plan and run the event.

スポーツやゲームといったイベントを企画、生徒会の生徒はみんなが楽しめるよう、まとめ役をしっかり務めます。Events such as sports and games are planned. Student council members show their responsibility by serving the participants.

ゲームなどの後はみんなでおやつ。クイズなどで盛り上げる生徒会メンバー。After games, they often share food. Student Council members entertain everyone by giving quizzes and other fun activities.


不思議ウィーク/Fushigi Week


High School Student Council runs this one-week event running up to the Sports Day, building up the school festival spirit. Each day, students put on what is suitable for the daily theme they chose together as a community.

写真はキャラクターデイに創造性を駆使して様々な格好をしてきた生徒たちStudents show their creativity on a character day.

運動会/Sports Day


Sports day is one of many two schools together events. All SOIS sixth graders to eighth-graders are divided into houses, and G9 to G12 each make an SOIS team.

入場行進はバンド(管楽器)の授業のメンバーMarch is played by the band class.
生徒会メンバーが寸劇で5リスペクトについてお話HS Student Council plays a skit and reminds everyone about 5 respects.
午前中はチームプレイのスポーツ。In the morning, students play team sports such as ultimate frisbee and dodge ball.
生徒はチーム毎に応援。Students cheer for their team.
生徒が選んだテーマに合わせてチーム毎に創作ダンスEach team performs creative dances that match the theme selected by students.
午後は小グループの競技やリレーを行います。In the afternoon, students play in small groups and run relays.
大縄跳び、綱引き、借り物競争など、毎年生徒が選んだ競技を行います。Each year, students choose the afternoon sports. Jump rope, tug of war and centipede race are some of the popular ones.
リレーは男子、女子、男女混合で距離がだんだん伸びるスウェーデンリレー。Boys relay, girls relay and Swedish relay completes the game.

秋季リサイタル /Fall Recital


Fall recital offers an opportunity for students to play solo or in small groups along with the Spring Recital.

8年生校外学習/G8 day trip


G8 students learn about various disabilities in Long Homeroom. The day trip to Shiawase-no-mura is part of this study.

車椅子のお手伝いができるよう訓練。Learning how to maneuver wheelchairs
見えないという体験、そしてどうやったら上手にお手伝いできるのかを学びますExperiencing how it feels to be visually impaired, and learning how to help
3ヶ月かけて学んだことを様々な形でまとめたもののひとつ。Students presented their knowledge and worked on the issue in various ways. This is one of them.

冬学期のための履修登録/Course registration for winter trimester


International Fair


Parents Association's annual fair

保護者が歌を発表したりParents sing songs and
フラダンスを披露したり。dance Hulas.
生徒にとっても良い発表の場になっています。Students get to showcase their skills as well.
様々な国の食べ物が食べられます。You can eat food from various countries.
There are games and activities for kids too.
There also are various booths for worthy causes such as fundraising for war and disaster struck areas and volunteer groups.

Presentation Day


Students who's given good presentations showcase their achievement in front of everyone in school.

9年生修学旅行/G9 Excursion


Students plan this overnight event from where to go, what to do and how to get there.