Federico Calzolari
FEDERICO CALZOLARI - Italian, born in Ferrara on December 7th 1970
Piazza Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa PI - Italy [GPS]
phone: +39 050 508 333 | +39 380 800 3333
mail: federico.calzolari@sns.it | web: https://cern.ch/fede
Jan 2025
Master's Degree M.Sc. in Physics, PhD in Computer Science Engineering at the University of Pisa [Italy].
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Scuola Normale Superiore University, Pisa [Italy].
Research Associate at CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research, CMS experiment: Higgs Boson discovery, leading to 2013 Physics Nobel Prize [link].
Research Associate at INFN Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics: HPC, Big Data Analytics.
EU Project Manager for the European Digital Innovation Hub EDIH Tuscany X.0 [link].
Member of the European Academy of Engineering EAE [link].
Member of the Tuscany (ITA) CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team, Technical Scientific Committee.
Information Technology consultant for IT crimes at the District Attorney's Office.
H-index: 150 [link] - Author of 100+ international peer reviewed scientific publications and technical reports in Computer Science, with more than 100K citations.
Ranked among the first ten Computer Sciences researchers in the Top Italian Scientists list [link].
Professional Certifications: Cybersecurity: Cisco, Google, IBM, ISC2 - Risk Management: NIST - Ethical Hacking: EC-Council - Artificial Intelligence AI: Google - Data Analytics: Google - Cryptography: Stanford University.
Qualified by Google as the author of the first Google Ranking algorithm Exploit: Google Zeitgeist 2007.
Quoted by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera [2009] as one of the "Twenty Italians who are changing the Italy".
since 03.2021: Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Scuola Normale Superiore University, Pisa [Italy]: IT security monitoring, incident response, risk management, compliance, data protection; Red Team leader: security and vulnerability assessment - Technical officer, full time permanent position, cat EP.
since 01.2023: EU Project Manager for the European Digital Innovation Hub EDIH Tuscany X.0 - Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, HPC areas - funded by the EU within the Digital Europe program for technology transfer and digital/green transformation with 5 M€.
since 09.2023: Member of the Tuscany (ITA) CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team, Technical Scientific Committee.
Other assignments in Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS):
Dean's Delegate for the Italian Research Network GARR.
Executive Committee member of the SNS High Performance Computing HPC Center.
Technical Coordinator of the SNS - Postal Police agreement for the cybercrime control and punishment.
Procurement Manager for public contracts in the ICT sector: ICT services, hardware.
Member of the SNS Editorial Board.
Information Technology consultant for IT crimes at the District Attorney's office.
System Manager of the SNS-PISA Grid node at Scuola Normale Superiore, within the European Grid Infrastructure EGI.
System Manager of the INFN-PISA TIER2 Computing Center at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN.
System Administrator and Security Officer of the Grid node at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies ISTI, Italian National Research Council CNR.
Associate researcher at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN (Geneva) [since 2006], CMS experiment: Higgs Boson discovery, leading to 2013 Physics Nobel Prize - https://nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2013
Associate technologist at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN [since 2006]: High Performance Computing HPC and Distributed GRID Computing systems management, Big Data Analytics.
Eligibility to Technology Director - I level, in the competitive exam 19816/2018 of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN [2018].
EU Project Manager for the European Digital Innovation Hub EDIH Tuscany X.0 - Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, HPC areas - funded by the EU within the Digital Europe program for technology transfer and digital/green transformation with 5 M€ - https://tuscanyx.eu
Member of the European Academy of Engineering EAE - https://eae.edu.eu
Member of the Tuscany Cybersecurity Competence Center C3T, Technical Scientific Committee - https://www.c3t.it
Member of the Tuscany Computer Security Incident Response Team CSIRT, Technical Scientific Committee.
Member of CERN (Geneva) CMS Compact Muon Solenoid: physics nuclear experiment at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) - https://cms.cern
Member of High Energy Physics UniX HEPiX group - https://hepix.org
Member of CERN HEPiX Technology Watch group - https://w3.hepix.org
Member of CERN-INFN ECGI group: Experiment Computing Grid Integration.
Member of INFN MPI group: Parallel Computing.
Member of INFN Storage group.
Member of INFN Virtualization group.
Member of ReSIST Network of Excellence: Resilience for Survivability in Information Society Technologies.
Member of INFN CONStanza: modular Grid Consistency Service for data and metadata information replicated on a Data Grid.
Member of DILIGENT DIgital Library Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology, project lead by the Institute of Information Science and Technologies ISTI, Italian National Research Council CNR.
Head of the IT Department, directly reporting to the CEO, with experience in large IT infrastructures and critical applications: projects analysis, design, implementation and maintenance, technical team management and budget administration.
Main areas of expertise: IT strategic management, Team and projects management, IT operations, Infrastructure architecture design and build.
Technical research interests: High Performance Computing HPC systems, Big Data Analytics, Distributed computing GRID architectures, Load sharing optimization, Virtualization (on-premise and cloud-based) systems with applications to High Availability, Failover, Disaster Recovery.
Good experience in laboratory activities and technical work in mechanical, electric, electronic area, with aptitude for team working and leading.
Generative AI, Google, 2025 [cert]: Generative AI Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models LLM, AI Ethical Considerations, Responsible AI.
CEH Certified Ethical Hacker, EC-Council, 2025 [cert]: Ethical Hacking,Penetration Testing, Footprinting, Reconnaissance, Network Scan, Enumeration, System Hacking, Malware Threats, Sniffing, Social Engineering, Web Application Hacking.
Cybersecurity, Google, 2024 [cert]: Authentication, Cybersecurity Assessment, Information Assurance, Information Security, Information Systems, Intrusion Detection Systems IDS, Linux, Network Analyzer sniffing, Network Security, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Python, Risk Assessment, Risk Management Framework, Security Information and Event Management SIEM, SQL, Threat Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment.
SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner, ISC2 International Information System Security Certification Consortium, 2023 [cert]: Asset Management, Risk Management, Access Controls, Cryptography, Securing Software Data and End Points, Networks and Communications Security, Cloud and Wireless Security, Incident Detection and Response.
CC Certified in Cybersecurity, ISC2 International Information System Security Certification Consortium, 2023 [cert]: Cybersecurity, Incident Response, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Access Control, Network Security, Security Operations.
EHE Ethical Hacking, EC-Council, 2023 [cert]: Information Security, Ethical Hacking, Threats and Vulnerability Assessment, Password Cracking, Social Engineering, Network| Wireless | Mobile | IoT | Cloud | Web Attacks and Countermeasures, Penetration Testing.
Cryptography, Stanford University, 2023 [cert]: Cryptography, Cryptographic Algorithms, Cryptographic Attacks.
Data Analytics, Google, 2022 [cert]: Data Analysis, Data Cleaning, Data Ethics, Data Visualization, R Programming, Spreadsheets, SQL.
Cybersecurity, Cisco, 2021 [cert]: Cybersecurity, Data confidentiality integrity availability, DevSecOps: Development Security Operations, Encryption, Network security, Threat detection, Hacking techniques, Cybersecurity laws.
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, IBM, 2021 [cert]: Data confidentiality integrity availability, Access management, Incident response, Cybersecurity framework, Firewall, Anti-virus, Cryptography, Penetration testing, Digital forensics, Malware, Cyber attacks.
Cyber Threat Intelligence, IBM, 2021 [cert]: SIEM security information and event management, Threat management, Threat detection, Vulnerability scanning, Network defensive tactics, Data Loss Prevention, IT security, Cyber attacks.
CSF Cybersecurity Framework, NIST US National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2021 [cert]: Critical infrastructure cybersecurity, Cybersecurity management plan: identify protect detect respond recover, Cybersecurity risk management: threats vulnerabilities and impacts, Organization risk assessment.
Cybersecurity Awareness, Amazon, 2021: Secure communication, Data classification, Phishing, Physical security, Social engineering, Data privacy, Application security, Data protection.
Digital skills certifications [advanced level], Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers: Managing data, information, and digital content, 2023 [cert] | Learning about Open Data, 2023 [cert] | Protect your devices, 2023 [cert] | Producing, evaluating, and managing IT documents, 2023 [cert] | Protecting personal data and privacy, 2023 [cert] | Providing services online, 2023 [cert] | Knowing the goals of digital transformation, 2023 [cert] | Learning about emerging technologies for digital transformation, 2023 [cert] | Learning about digital identity, 2023 [cert] | Communicating and sharing within the administration, 2023 [cert] | Communicating and sharing with citizens, businesses, and other PAs, 2023 [cert].
2017: First position in the Top Italian Scientists ranking, Computer Sciences area: top cited [H-index > 30] Italian Scientists ranking https://topitalianscientists.org.
2013: High Energy and Particle Physics Prize, European Physical Society EPS https://eps.org, to the CERN ATLAS and CMS collaborations for the discovery of the Higgs boson, as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism.
2009: Quoted by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera as one of the "Twenty Italians who are changing the Italy": exemplary histories of devotion and expertise that are contributing to change Italy. A photographic exhibition of the photographer Gianni Giansanti has been dedicated to the event at Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy.
2007: Google Certificate of Merit for Google Zeitgeist exploit 2007 - Stefano Hesse, Repubblica.it [14 Dec 2007]: Qualified by Google and credited by newspapers and media as the author of the first Google Ranking algorithm Exploit.
Reviewer for Springer: Computer Science journals and books https://springer.com
Reviewer for IOP Science: Journal of Physics https://iopscience.iop.org
Member of the Editorial Board of the Top Italian Scientists Journal https://journal.topitalianscientists.org
2025: Scientific Coordinator of the Module "Big Data, Machine Learning and Virtual Reality" of the Postgraduate Specialisation Course (Master) "Innovative Technologies in Healthcare - The Medicine of the Future", Medical School, University of Pisa [Italy].
2022: Scientific Coordinator of the Module "Big Data, Machine Learning and Virtual Reality" of the Postgraduate Specialisation Course (Master) "Innovative Technologies in Healthcare", Medical School, University of Pisa [Italy].
2019: Member of the "Lombardy is Research" 2019 international Award Committee, established by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, for research and innovation activity in "Healthy Ageing" - the Committee is composed by the 15 scientists with the higher H-index of the Top Italian Scientists list in the Life Sciences research areas: Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Clinical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Material & Nano Sciences, Natural & Environmental Sciences, Neurosciences & Psychology. DGR Lombardia n. XI/1012, 17.12.2018.
2018: Member of the "Lombardy is Research" 2018 international Award Committee, established by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, for research and innovation activity in "Precision Medicine" - the Committee is composed by the 14 scientists with the higher H-index of the Top Italian Scientists list in the Life Sciences research areas, and Prof. Giacomo Rizzolatti winner of the previous edition. DGR Lombardia n. X/7689, 12.01.2018.
2017: Member of the "Lombardy is Research" 2017 international Award Committee, established by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, for research and innovation activity in the "Life Sciences" - the Committee is composed by the 14 scientists with the higher H-index of the Top Italian Scientists list in the Life Sciences research areas: Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Clinical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Material & Nano Sciences, Natural & Environmental Sciences, Neurosciences & Psychology. DGR Lombardia n. X/6758, 21.06.2017.
03.2023 - 06.2023; 06.2024 - 12.2024: Chief Operating Officer of the High Performance Computing HPC Center, Scuola Normale Superiore University, Pisa [Italy]: HPC cluster, networking, storage, queue system, research software, Data Center power and cooling.
03.2023 - 06.2023; 06.2024 - 12.2024: Chief Operating Officer of the Augmented Reality Center, Scuola Normale Superiore University, Pisa [Italy].
12.2013 - 02.2021: Head of the Information Technology IT Department at Scuola Normale Superiore University, Pisa [Italy] - full time permanent position.
IT infrastructures design, delivery, maintenance and support:
Data Center operations: server, storage and software resources, power and cooling systems.
Network: LAN wired, wireless, VoIP infrastructure. Unified Communication: messaging, voice call, video conference.
Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure AAI. Google Apps: Email, File sharing, collaboration tools.
File server and Backup service. Database administration. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
Web and multisite CMS architecture. Print and scan service. Centralized Desktop management.
High Performance Computing HPC. Clusters and Distributed GRID architectures.
Security monitoring and incident response. Remote logging system. Personal data processing and protection.
Registration Authority for server and personal certificates.
Monitoring: hardware, devices and services. Helpdesk: 1° and 2° level support service.
Executive Committee member of the SNS High Performance Computing HPC Center.
12.2008 - 11.2013: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa [Italy] - full time permanent position: High Performance Computing HPC System Engineer and System Manager of the SNS-PISA Grid node, within the European Grid Infrastructure EGI project - in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN and the Italian National Research Council CNR.
High Performance Computing HPC architectures; Study of Virtualization systems and High Availability services with application to Backup, Failover, Disaster Recovery; Load sharing optimization in on demand computational clusters in virtual environment.
System Manager of the INFN-PISA TIER2 Computing Center at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN: network infrastructure, hardware, storage, Grid computing, services.
Administrator and Security Officer of the PPS-SNS Grid node at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies ISTI, Italian National Research Council CNR.
03.2006 - 12.2008: Research fellow at the University Scuola Normale Superiore SNS (Pisa, Italy), in collaboration with the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN: "GRID Computing applications research and development for particle physics" - Grid, Clustering and Parallel Computing applied to LHC (Large Hadronic Collider) experiments at European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, Geneva.
03.2005 - 02.2006: Research work at Scuola Normale Superiore SNS (Pisa, Italy): research activity related to GRID Computing open source architectures and infrastructures planning, Service development and upgrade of the Scuola Normale GRID node.
02.2005 - 02.2005: Research work at the University of Pisa, Italy, Physics Department: research and development for LCH computation.
02.2004 - 01.2005: Research work at Scuola Normale Superiore SNS (Pisa, Italy): research activity related to testing and implementation of a GRID node at Scuola Normale.
03.2002 - 12.2003: 03.2002 - 12.2003: Research fellow at the Italian National Research Council CNR, Computational Linguistics Institute ILC (Pisa, Italy): software manager of Digital Funds and Archives FAD project, Digital Library development, Text and Data Mining, Information Retrieval, automatic language treatment, textual analysis methods for non supervised learning.
12.2000 - 09.2001: Technical telecommunications area manager of Phonica Spa, Italy, national telephone operator: software planning and development for SS7 and ISDN telephone exchange, test for devices approval at Italian Telecommunications Ministry.
09.1998 - 06.2000: Computer science analyst at Casse del Tirreno Bank, Lucca, Italy. Mainframe IBM MVS: CICS, DB2/SQL, DLI. Bank information system conversion for Euro and Year 2000. Migration of the information system of Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca to a unified information system. Web application for Home Banking planning and development.
09.1997 - 06.1998: Computer analyst programmer at SIOR, Varese, Italy. Information system migration for hardware platform change. Analysis and development of software to correct Y2K Bug (Millennium Bug). Project Manager of the Automatic Programming Languages Translation. DLI to DB2 data base migration.
07.1997 - 07.1997: Computer programmer at SysDat Informatica, Pisa, Italy: Software development in business environment.
04.1996 - 02.1997: Officer of the Italian Army, 163° A.U.C. course, in 1996-97, second Lieutenant rank in Artillery Arm: section commanding Officer.
2009: PhD in Computer Science Engineering at University of Pisa, Italy, with thesis "High availability using virtualization".
1995: Master's Degree M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Pisa [Italy], final mark 105/110. Thesis at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN laboratory, in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, Geneva: "CP Violation and K0 decays revelation: study and simulation of neutral Trigger in NA48 experiment"; Montecarlo simulation of subnuclear particles decays, Investigation of low-noise electronic devices for high-frequency signals analysis and processing.
Four Grants from the Italian National Research Council CNR during the University studies.
1989: Graduated from the Classical High School in Pisa in 1989, mark 50/60.
Grant from IBM during the Classical High School studies.
Officer of the Italian Army, 163° A.U.C. course, in 1996-97, second Lieutenant rank in Artillery Arm: section commanding Officer.
Italian: native.
English: advanced level knowledge certificate, University of Pisa [Italy], Interdepartmental Linguistics Center [2003]; academic writing level C1, University of Pisa [Italy], Interdepartmental Linguistics Center [2008]; level C1 certificate, University of Pisa [Italy], Interdepartmental Linguistics Center [2010].
French: fluent.
Spanish: basic.
Architectures: PC x86, MainFrame IBM, RISC, AS/400, GPU. Operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, AIX-Unix, DOS, MVS, OS/400, (OS/2). Programming Languages: C(++), CUDA, CoBOL CICS, Fortran, Python, PL/1, Pascal, Earl, EasyTrieve, Rexx. Scripting Languages: Bash Shell, (Perl). DataBase VSAM, DLI, DB2, MySQL. SQL language. Analysis and data elaboration EDP.
Expert of programming and numeric simulation on parallel processors, distributed cluster and Grid computing architecture. Distributed Computing Queuing systems: PBS, LSF, SGE. High performance and Low latency InfiniBand network in High Performance Computing HPC environments.
Big Data Analytics using NoSQL DataBase, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks.
Linux System Administration: Web Server, Mail Server, File Server, PXE, DHCP, DNS, LDAP. Web based technologies: HTML, XML DOM, PHP, JavaScript, AJAX. Network management: Switch, Router, Firewall and related tools; Network monitoring. Network protocols: TCP/IP, ARP, FTP, HTTP, SSL, E-mail.
Cloud Computing: provisioning of on demand services, servers, computational clusters in virtual environment. Virtualization technologies: VMware, Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, Microsoft Hyper-V. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI.
Backup and Disaster Recovery systems. High Availability services: clusters, Failover, Load Balancer. Data Redundancy in Storage Area Network SAN with FibreChannel multi-path. Storage: management of distributed storage systems NFS, GPFS over FibreChannel, iSCSI, Ethernet. Network and Parallel FileSystem: NFS, AFS, GPFS. Storage Resource Management SRM systems and tools.
IT Security: Intrusion Prevention IPS / Detection IDS Systems. Remote logging system. Personal data processing and protection tools. Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure AAI: OpenID Connect OIDC, OAuth2. Single Sign On SSO in mixed and interoperating Linux/Windows environment: LDAP, Active Directory.
Productivity software: Microsoft Office, Word Processor LaTeX. Scientific software: Root, MathCAD.
Unified Communication: instant messaging, voice call, video conference.
Telecommunications protocols: SS7, ISDN, VoIP, SIP.
Good knowledge of telephone exchange for national and international networks, telephonic router and switch.
Generative AI, Google, 2025: Generative AI Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models LLM, AI Ethical Considerations, Responsible AI.
CEH Certified Ethical Hacker, EC-Council, 2025: Ethical Hacking,Penetration Testing, Footprinting, Reconnaissance, Network Scan, Enumeration, System Hacking, Malware Threats, Sniffing, Social Engineering, Web Application Hacking.
Management, leadership and organizational culture, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2025.
Duse in academic environment, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2024: goods, software and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications.
Cybersecurity, Google, 2024: Authentication, Cybersecurity Assessment, Information Assurance, Information Security, Information Systems, Intrusion Detection Systems IDS, Linux, Network Analyzer sniffing, Network Security, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Python, Risk Assessment, Risk Management Framework, Security Information and Event Management SIEM, SQL, Threat Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment.
SSCP - Systems Security Certified Practitioner, ISC2 International Information System Security Certification Consortium, 2023: Asset Management, Risk Management, Access Controls, Cryptography, Securing Software Data and End Points, Networks and Communications Security, Cloud and Wireless Security, Incident Detection and Response.
CC - Certified in Cybersecurity, ISC2 International Information System Security Certification Consortium, 2023: Cybersecurity, Incident Response, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Access Control, Network Security, Security Operations.
EHE Ethical Hacking, EC-Council, 2023: Information Security, Ethical Hacking, Threats and Vulnerability Assessment, Password Cracking, Social Engineering, Network | Wireless | Mobile | IoT | Cloud | Web Attacks and Countermeasures, Penetration Testing.
Cryptography, Stanford University, 2023: Cryptography, Cryptographic Algorithms, Cryptographic Attacks.
Data Analytics, Google, 2022: Data Analysis, Data Cleaning, Data Ethics, Data Visualization, R Programming, Spreadsheets, SQL.
Cybersecurity Essentials, Cisco Networking Academy, 2021: Cybersecurity, Data confidentiality integrity availability, DevSecOps: Development Security Operations, Encryption, Network security, Threat detection, Hacking techniques, Cybersecurity laws.
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, IBM, 2021: Data confidentiality integrity availability, Access management, Incident response, Cybersecurity framework, Firewall, Anti-virus, Cryptography, Penetration testing, Digital forensics, Malware, Cyber attacks.
Cyber Threat Intelligence, IBM, 2021: SIEM security information and event management, Threat management, Threat detection, Vulnerability scanning, Network defensive tactics, Data Loss Prevention, IT security, Cyber attacks.
NIST (US National Institute of Standards and Technology) CSF Cybersecurity Framework, InfoSec, Alison, 2021: Critical infrastructure cybersecurity, Cybersecurity management plan: identify protect detect respond recover, Cybersecurity risk management: threats vulnerabilities and impacts, Organization risk assessment.
Cybersecurity Awareness, Amazon AWS, 2021: Secure communication, Data classification, Phishing, Physical security, Social engineering, Data privacy, Application security, Data protection.
Management of security incidents in a federated environment, GARR Italian Research Network, 2021.
Cybersecurity, GARR Italian Research Network and Italian AgID Agency for Digital Italy, 2021.
Zero Trust, GARR Italian Research Network, 2021.
Microsoft Office 365 for Educational environments, Microsoft, 2021.
Cybersecurity for organization leadership, GARR Italian Research Network, 2020.
Cybersecurity, INFN Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, 2020.
Vulnerability Scans, GARR Italian Research Network, 2020.
Python for Data Science, GARR Italian Research Network, 2020: Python for scientific computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Assertive communication, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2020.
Effective online communication, GARR Italian Research Network, 2020.
Gitlab & Ansible, Seacom.it, 2019.
Anti corruption in public procurement, ANAC Italian Anti Corruption National Authority, 2019.
Authentication and Authorization systems, GARR Italian Research Network, 2017: AAI methods: OpenID Connect OIDC, OAuth2.
General Data Protection Regulation GDPR EU 2016/679, Italian Data Protection Authority, 2017.
Privacy by Design and Security, Italian Data Protection Authority, 2017: General Data Protection Regulation GDPR compliance, Risk assessment, Data Breach, Anonymization.
Conflict prevention and management, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2017.
GPU programming with CUDA, CASPUR Inter-University Consortium for the Application of Super-Computing for Universities and Research, 2011.
Grid Distributed Computing System, EGEE Enabling Grids for E-sciencE - INFN Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, 2005: GRID Computing: Access and authentication, Job Description Language JDL, Job submission, Data management.
Linux System Administration, Informex, INFN Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN, 2005: Linux administration: Installation, Kernel and modules, Filesystem, Shell script, Processes, Users and groups, Access and authentication, LDAP, Scheduled operations.
Linux Network and Security, Informex, INFN Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN, 2005: Network: configuration, services DNS DHCP FTP Samba Web Mail, Routing rules - Security: Firewall, Authentication and access control, Certificates, PGP encryption, System monitoring, SSH, Auditing tools: scanner, sniffer, vulnerability analysis.
English, Advanced level knowledge certificate, University of Pisa [Italy], Interdepartmental Linguistics Center, 2003: English: grammar, listening, speaking, reading, writing. Academic communications.
Driving license: A [motorcycles], B [cars].
[since 1989] AVIS Italy blood donor.
[since 1989] Member of the Italian Civil Protection.
[1989] First Aid certification from the Italian Red Cross CRI.
[2003] Sea Rescue Lifeguard international license [link].
[2004] Karate: black belt 1 dan - Italian Federation of Judo Wrestling Karate and Martial Arts FIJLKAM, Italian National Olympic Committee CONI.
[2009] Fire control training course - Italian D.M. 10.03.1998.
[2013] Basic Life Support Defibrillation BLS-D certification.
Voluntary work at Caritas Soup Kitchen.
Voluntary work at the University of the Third Age UniDeA, Pisa: Computer Sciences and Physics teacher.
Publications | Citations, Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=efgwIbUAAAAJ
F. Calzolari, ATLAS, CMS and LHCB collaborations [2016]: "Top quark measurements", Proceedings of Science (SISSA) PoS(DIS2016)010, pp. 14
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2016]: "Trapping in proton irradiated p+-n-n+ silicon sensors at fluences anticipated at the HL-LHC outer tracker", Journal of Instrumentation 2016 JINST 11 P04023, pp. 18
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2014]: "Description and performance of track and primary-vertex reconstruction with the CMS tracker", Journal of Instrumentation 2014 JINST 9 P10009, pp. 82
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2014]: "Alignment of the CMS tracker with LHC and cosmic ray data", Journal of Instrumentation 2014 JINST 9 P06009, pp. 56
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2012]: "A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider", Science 338 1569, pp. 7 https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1230816
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2012]: "Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC", Physics Letters B 716 2012 30-61, pp. 32 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2012.08.021
F. Calzolari, S. Volpe [2011]: "A new job migration algorithm to improve data center efficiency", Proceedings of Science (SISSA) PoS(ISGC 2011 & OGF 31)008, pp. 7
F. Calzolari, D. Licari [2011]: "Proxy dynamic delegation in grid gateway", Proceedings of Science (SISSA) PoS(ISGC 2011 & OGF 31)027, pp. 7
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2011]: "The Anatomy of a Grid portal", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2011 JPCS 331 072043, pp. 6
F. Calzolari, S. Volpe [2011]: "Increasing cluster computing performance through a dynamic load rearrangement", European Grid Infrastructure User Forum EGI 2011 proceedings, Vilnius [Lithuania], pp. 2
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2011]: "A Grid gateway for the EGI infrastructure", European Grid Infrastructure User Forum EGI 2011 proceedings, Vilnius [Lithuania], pp. 2
F. Calzolari, S. Volpe [2011]: "A new job migration algorithm to improve data center efficiency", International Symposium on Grids and Clouds ISGC 2011 proceedings, Academia Sinica, Taipei [Taiwan], pp. 2
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2011]: "Proxy dynamic delegation in Grid gateway", International Symposium on Grids and Clouds ISGC 2011 proceedings, Academia Sinica, Taipei [Taiwan], pp. 2
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2010]: "Access Grid via Web", High Energy Physics Unix HEPiX Fall 2010 proceedings, Cornell University, Ithaca NY [USA], pp. 2
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2010]: "L-GRID: A Light portal to access Grid via Web", Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2010 (Distributed Processing and Analysis) proceedings, Academia Sinica, Taipei [Taiwan], pp. 1
F. Calzolari, et al. [2010]: "High availability using virtualization", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010 JPCS 219 052017, pp. 10
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in cosmic-ray events", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03022, pp. 48
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Precise mapping of the magnetic field in the CMS barrel yoke using cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03021, pp. 37
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Alignment of the CMS muon system with cosmic-ray and beam-halo muons", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03020, pp. 42
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Aligning the CMS muon chambers with the muon alignment system during an extended cosmic ray run", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03019, pp. 35
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of the CMS cathode strip chambers with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03018, pp. 40
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance study of the CMS barrel resistive plate chambers with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03017, pp. 33
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Calibration of the CMS drift tube chambers and measurement of the drift velocity with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03016, pp. 39
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of the CMS drift tube chambers with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03015, pp. 47
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Identification and filtering of uncharacteristic noise in the CMS hadron calorimeter", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03014, pp. 31
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of CMS hadron calorimeter timing and synchronization using test beam, cosmic ray, and LHC beam data", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03013, pp. 31
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of the CMS hadron calorimeter with cosmic ray muons and LHC beam data", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03012, pp. 35
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Time reconstruction and performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03011, pp. 27
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance and operation of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03010, pp. 41
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Alignment of the CMS silicon tracker during commissioning with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03009, pp. 41
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Commissioning and performance of the CMS silicon strip tracker with cosmic ray muons", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03008, pp. 46
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Commissioning and performance of the CMS pixel tracker with cosmic ray muons", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03007, pp. 38
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "CMS data processing workflows during an extended cosmic ray run", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03006, pp. 44
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Commissioning of the CMS High-Level Trigger with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03005, pp. 33
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Fine synchronization of the CMS muon drift-tube local trigger using cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03004, pp. 33
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of the CMS drift-tube chamber local trigger with cosmic rays", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03003, pp. 34
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Performance of the CMS Level-1 trigger during commissioning with cosmic ray muons and LHC beams", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03002, pp. 52
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Commissioning of the CMS experiment and the cosmic run at four tesla", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 T03001, pp. 39
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Measurement of the muon stopping power in lead tungstate", Journal of Instrumentation 2010 JINST 5 P03007, pp. 32
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2009]: "Alignment of the CMS silicon strip tracker during stand-alone commissioning", Journal of Instrumentation 2009 JINST 4 T07001, pp. 39
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2009]: "Performance studies of the CMS Strip Tracker before installation", Journal of Instrumentation 2009 JINST 4 P06009, pp. 48
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2009]: "Stand-alone cosmic muon reconstruction before installation of the CMS silicon strip tracker", Journal of Instrumentation 2009 JINST 4 P05004, pp. 41
S. Arezzini, F. Calzolari, et al. [2009]: "The INFN Pisa GRID Data Center", INFN Frascati National Laboratories INFN/CCR-09/2, pp. 19
F. Calzolari [2009]: "Virtualization for high availability", High Energy Physics Unix HEPiX Spring 2009 proceedings, Umea University [Sweden], pp. 1
F. Calzolari [2009]: "High availability using virtualization", Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2009 (Hardware and Computing Fabrics) proceedings, Prague [Czech Republic], pp. 1
F. Calzolari [2009]: "A new approach to High Availability", Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE, Open Grid Forum OGF - 4th EGEE User Forum/OGF 25 and OGF Europe's 2nd International Event proceedings, Catania [Italy], pp. 1
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2008]: "The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC", Journal of Instrumentation 2008 JINST 3 S08004, pp. 361
F. Calzolari [2008]: "Open issues in storage management", Advances in Computer Systems and Networks 2008 proceedings, 45, Computer Science Engineering, University of Pisa [Italy], pp. 1
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "CMS Physics Technical Design Report: Addendum on High Density QCD with Heavy Ions", Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 2307, pp. 149
F. Calzolari [2007]: "High availability service using virtualization", Advances in Computer Systems and Networks 2007 proceedings, 48, Computer Science Engineering, University of Pisa [Italy], pp. 1
A. Fanfani, F. Calzolari, et al. [2007]: "CMS Data and Workflow Management System", Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications 4 2008, proceedings of the 10th Conference, 441-445, Como [Italy], pp. 5
D. Bonacorsi, F. Calzolari, et al. [2007]: "CMS CSA06 experience at INFN", Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2007 (Distributed data analysis and information management) proceedings, Victoria [Canada], pp. 2
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "CMS Expression of Interest in the SLHC", CERN-LHCC-2007-014, pp. 57
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "The CMS Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC Phase I and II)", CERN-LHCC-2007-011, pp. 79
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "CMS Computing, Software and Analysis Challenge in 2006 (CSA06) Summary", CERN-LHCC-2007-010, pp. 107
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "CMS Physics Technical Design Report: Addendum on High Density QCD with Heavy Ions", CERN-LHCC-2007-009, pp. 172
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "CMS Physics Technical Design Report, Volume 2: Physics Performance", Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 995, pp. 585
F. Calzolari [2006]: "A High Availability service for Replica Synchronisation in Data Grids", Advances in Computer Systems and Networks 2006 proceedings, 41, Computer Science Engineering, University of Pisa [Italy], pp. 1
F. Calzolari, et al. [2006]: "Next Generation Language Resources using GRID", Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC 2006 proceedings, 1858-1861, Genoa [Italy], pp. 4
L. Tuura, T. Barrass, D. Bonacorsi, F. Calzolari, et al. [2006]: "PhEDEx high-throughput data transfer management system", Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2006 (Distributed Event production and processing) proceedings, Mumbai [India], pp. 2
M. C. Vistoli, L. Gaido, F. Calzolari, et al. [2006]: "Operations structure for the management, control and support of the INFN-GRID/GRID.IT production infrastructure", Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2006 (Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation) proceedings, Mumbai [India], pp. 3
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2006]: "CMS Physics Technical Design Report - Volume 2: Physics Performance", CERN-LHCC-2006-021, pp. 673
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2006]: "CMS Physics Technical Design Report - Volume 1: Detector Performance and Software", CERN-LHCC-2006-001, pp. 548
M. Monachini, F. Calzolari, et al. [2004], "Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB", Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC 2004 proceedings, M.T. Lino, M.F. Xavier, F. Ferreira, R. Costa (eds.), 1107-1110, Lisbon [Portugal], pp. 4
CERN CMS Physics Analysis Summaries
CMS collaboration: [>2006]: CERN CMS Physics Analysis Summaries, 1.000+ articles - publications list available @ CERN Document Server
CMS collaboration: [>2006]: CERN CMS Physics Analysis Summaries, 1.000+ articles - publications list available @ INSPIRE HEP
CERN CMS Detector Performance Summaries
CMS collaboration: [>2006]: CERN CMS Detector Performance Summaries, 100+ articles - publications list available @ CERN Document Server
F. Calzolari [2020]: "Cosa dovrebbe fare il sistema di ricerca italiano per evitare la fuga all'estero dei propri talenti?", in: S. Gianfaldoni, "Italiani Emigrati all'Estero", 513-515, Pisa University Press [Italy], ISBN:978-88-3339-338-4, pp. 28
F. Calzolari [2009]: "High availability using virtualization", PhD Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, University of Pisa [Italy], pp. 94
F. Calzolari [1995]: "CP Violation and K0 decays revelation: study and simulation of neutral Trigger in NA48 experiment", Master Thesis in Physics, University of Pisa [Italy], pp. 70
F. Calzolari [2024]: "Vulnerability Scan", CSIRT Tuscany IT, pp. 7
F. Calzolari, G. Costa [2024]: "Bug Bounty | Reward Program", CSIRT Tuscany IT, pp. 12
F. Calzolari, G. Costa [2024]: "Vulnerability Mitigation strategy", CSIRT Tuscany IT, pp. 4
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2017]: "Simplified likelihood for the re-interpretation of public CMS results", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2017-001, pp. 26
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2015]: "R&D activities and planning for Phase-II Upgrades", CERN-RRB-2015-062, pp. 19
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2015]: "CMS Phase II Upgrade Scope Document", CERN-LHCC-2015-019 LHCC-G-165, pp. 54
F. Calzolari, ATLAS and CMS collaboration [2013]: "Expected pileup values at the HL-LHC", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2013-003, pp. 7
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2013]: "Projected Performance of an Upgraded CMS Detector at the LHC and HL-LHC: Contribution to the Snowmass Process", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2013-002, pp. 47
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2012]: "CMS at the High-Energy Frontier. Contribution to the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2012-006, pp. 18
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2012]: "Projection of ICHEP Results to 30/fb at 8 TeV", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2012-004, pp. 15
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2011]: "Technical proposal for the upgrade of the CMS detector through 2020", CERN-LHCC-2011-006 LHCC-P-004, pp.321
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2011]: "CMS prospects for heavy flavour physics", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2011-008, pp. 9
F. Calzolari, ATLAS and CMS collaborations, LHC Higgs Combination Group [2011]: "Procedure for the LHC Higgs boson search combination in Summer 2011", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2011-005, pp. 50
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "Electromagnetic calorimeter commissioning and first results with 7 TeV data", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2010-012, pp. 29
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2010]: "The CMS physics reach for searches at 7 TeV", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2010-008, pp. 23
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2010]: "L-GRID User Guide", Scuola Normale Superiore - INFN Pisa [Italy], pp. 22
F. Calzolari [2010]: "How to use the IDEAGRID computing infrastructure at Scuola Normale Superiore", Scuola Normale Superiore [Italy], pp. 6
F. Calzolari [2010]: "IDEAGRID: Grid and High Performance Computing @SNS-PISA", Scuola Normale Superiore [Italy], pp. 3
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2010]: "L-GRID: A Light portal to access Grid via Web", Scuola Normale Superiore [Italy], pp. 3
A. Ciampa, F. Calzolari [2009]: "Virtualization: Farm on demand", INFN Pisa [Italy], pp. 10
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2009]: "Track Reconstruction with Cosmic Ray Data at the Tracker Integration Facility", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2009-003, pp. 36
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2009]: "CMS Tracker Alignment at the Integration Facility", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2009-002, pp. 38
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2008]: "The 2008 CMS Computing, Software and Analysis Challenge", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2008-040, pp. 91
F. Calzolari, S. Montangero [2008]: "GRID Quantum simulations: Many body quantum systems simulations go parallel on the Grid", Scuola Normale Superiore - INFN internal note [Italy], pp. 2
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2008]: "Silicon Strip Tracker Detector Performance with Cosmic Ray Data at the Tracker Integration Facility", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2008-032, pp. 44
F. Calzolari, CMS collaboration [2007]: "The CMS Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2007-005, pp. 156
F. Calzolari, CMS Italian collaboration [2007]: "CSA06 at the Italian Tiers", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2007-007, pp. 26
S. Arezzini, F. Calzolari, et al. [2006]: "Computer Center TIER2 Pisa Project", INFN Pisa [Italy], pp. 18
F. Calzolari [2005]: "TIER2 INFN Pisa - Technical Report", INFN Pisa [Italy], pp. 8
F. Calzolari [2001]: "DCT-Switch 1000", Phonica SpA, Pisa - Verona [Italy], pp. 2
F. Calzolari [2024]: "No Borders: Control and visibility in a world without borders", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2023]: "Cybersecurity: business strategies and prevention", Valore D Academy Conference
F. Calzolari [2021]: "Cybersecurity in Academia", Open Source Week OSW2021 Cybersecurity Conference, RIOS Italian Open Source Network
F. Calzolari [2017]: "Technology and innovation at CERN - Physics, supercomputing, cybercrime: only apparently unrelated topics", Campus Party 2017, Milano [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2011]: "Presentation of the SNS@Cecam node and Computer Center", Winter Modeling 2011 Conference, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa [Italy]
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2010]: "L-GRID: A Light portal to access Grid via Web", Supercomputing 2010 SC10 Conference, New Orleans [USA]
F. Calzolari [2010]: "From VMware to Proxmox", INFN - CCR10 Computing, Network and INFN-GRID Workshop 2010, Acireale [Italy]
D. Licari, F. Calzolari [2010]: "L-GRID: A Light portal to access Grid via Web", INFN - CCR10 Computing, Network and INFN-GRID Workshop 2010, Acireale [Italy]
J. Bloino, F. Calzolari [2010]: "A multipurpose tool for the ancient money identification and cataloguing", DIANA - I Workshop on DIagnostics and Authentication on Ancient Numismatics, CNR, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2009]: "High availability with virtualization", INFN - CCR09 Computing, Network and INFN-GRID Workshop 2009, Palau [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2008]: "High availability using Virtualization", Resilience-Explicit Computing in Grids Workshop, Computer Science Engineering, University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2007]: "CMS Tier2 INFN-PISA", CMS Meeting, Cortona AR [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2007]: "Progresses in queue management system for LHC", INFN - CCR07 Computing and Network Workshop 2007, Rimini [Italy]
A. Bozzi, F. Calzolari, A. Enea [2004]: "FAD: Fondi e Archivi Digitali (Digital Libraries)", FAD Conference, Florence [Italy]
F. Calzolari [200x]: "GRID computing, Cluster PBS/LSF for distributed computing, TIER2@INFN-PISA Computing Center, Service Challenge SC3 SC4, CERN Computing Software Analysis CSA06, CSA07, CCRC08", Scuola Normale Superiore and National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN, Pisa [Italy]
Bachelor and Master Thesis Supervisor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2025]: "Big data and Artificial Intelligence", Postgraduate Specialisation Course (Master): Innovative Technologies in Healthcare - The Medicine of the Future, Medical School, University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2023]: "Artificial Intelligence: The Evolution of the Species", Bright Night, The European Researchers Night, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2023]: "European Digital Innovation Hub Tuscany X.0", Bright Night, The European Researchers Night, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2023]: "Artificial Intelligence & Technology", Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2023]: "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning", High School, Milano [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2022]: "Big data and Artificial Intelligence", Postgraduate Specialisation Course (Master): Innovative Technologies in Healthcare, Medical School, University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2022]: "Cybersecurity and Privacy", High School, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2021]: "Privacy, IoT and BigData", University of Valle d'Aosta [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2021]: "Cybersecurity and Cybercrime", High School, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2021]: "Particle Accelerators and Supercomputing at CERN", High School, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2021]: "Soft Skills", University of Pisa - CAFRE [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2019]: "Training Course GDPR Data Protection Officer - Data privacy, integrity and availability", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2019]: "Training Course GDPR Data Protection Officer - IT security and CyberCrime", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2019]: "Human Resources Management and Innovation", University of Pisa - CAFRE [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2019]: "Training Course GDPR Data Protection Officer - Data privacy, integrity and availability: IT systems resilience", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2019]: "Training Course GDPR Data Protection Officer - Data security and IT architectures: CyberCrime prevention", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2019]: "IT Security", Scuola Normale Superiore [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2018]: "Communication and Teamwork", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2018]: "Innovation and progress", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2017]: "Cross Cultural Management: Leadership", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2017]: "When Creativity generates Innovation", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2016]: "Human Resources Management", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2014]: "Cross Cultural Management", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2008]: "How to reach the top of Google ranking", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2008]: "GRID for e-science", University of Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2008]: "Google exploit: How to hack Google", University of Ferrara [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2008]: "GRID and distributed computing", University of Ferrara [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2007]: "GRID Course: How to use Grid resources", INFN - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2003]: "Information retrieval and text indexing", PhD in Text Science, University of Siena [Italy]
F. Calzolari [2024]: "Data protection: the cybersecurity laboratory", eXL Magazine - Excellence in technology, innovation, research and business
Italian Chamber of Deputies [2022]: "Scientific dissemination and Social Networks", press conference
Fondazione De Sanctis [2020]: "Relationship between Science and Covid-19", Marathon "I Love Science", World Science Day 2020
Corriere della Sera [2017]: "The computer simulation, a big aid for the medical sciences", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Giovanni Caprara
OggiScienza [2017]: "Do not open that e-mail", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Giulia Negri
Orgoglio Nerd [2017]: "Information Technology at CERN, and in our lives", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Giada Rossi
F. Calzolari [2012]: "Search to find", Asimmetrie 13, Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN
ScienzArtAmbiente, Histories of future [2009]: "Venti Italiani che cambiano l'Italia - Twenty Italians who are changing the Italy", Photographic exhibition of the Corriere della Sera Magazine, photographs of Gianni Giansanti, Pordenone [Italy]
SKY Current [2009]: "Geek Show: How to raise the Google ranking", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Giacomo Cannelli
Gianni Giansanti photographic exhibition [2009]: "Venti Italiani che cambiano l'Italia - Twenty Italians who are changing the Italy", twenty members of our society, from civil servants, to researchers, volunteer workers and staffs of big corporations captured at work by the lens of Gianni Giansanti; Photographic exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi, Florence [Italy]
Corriere della Sera [2009]: "Twenty Italians who are changing the Italy", Annamaria Speroni and Ada Masella, photo by Gianni Giansanti
F. Calzolari [2008]: "New frontiers in scientific computing in Pisa", Rivista La Torre, ETS edition, Pisa [Italy]
Hacker Journal [2008]: "Attack Google", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Francesco Principe
Radio Montecarlo [2008]: "Google exploit", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Daniele Bossari
Subvertising [2008]: "Brain of the month: Federico Calzolari. Interview with the man who violated Google", Ursula De Gaspari
Canale 50 [2007]: "L'impallato", Interview with Federico Calzolari
Libero.it [2008]: "The Guru of Google is Italian"
RAI TG Neapolis [2007]: "Zeitgeist, the spirit of Google"
TG La7 [2007]: "Beppe Grillo is the most searched on Google"
Radio Deejay [2007]: "Federico Calzolari, the man who beat Google", Interview with Federico Calzolari, Cristiano Cristiani
TG TeleGranducato [2007]: Interview with Federico Calzolari
Il Tirreno [2007]: "I won the challenge with Google", Carlo Venturini
La Repubblica [2007]: "The algorithm prank. This is how a young physicist fooled Google", Vittorio Zambardino
Repubblica.it [2007]: "Carneade beats Google, and Santa Claus", Vittorio Zambardino
Repubblica.it [2007]: "Google: Certificate of Merit for Google Zeitgeist exploit 2007", Stefano Hesse, Google Italy
Repubblica.it [2007]: "The physicist who bluffed Google", Vittorio Zambardino
Google [2007]: "Google Zeitgeist 2007", Google blog
CONTACT: mail to federico.calzolari@sns.it