Grade level: 9-12 

This course includes a broad foundation of ceramic techniques including hand-built as well as wheel-thrown methods. Creating functional and sculptural forms, students learn glazing and decorating techniques that are applied with the elements and principles of visual design. This is a standards-based curriculum that places an emphasis on creativity and abstract problem solving with the ceramic medium. 


Grade Level: 10 - 12 

This course will build upon the technical foundation of handbuilding and wheel-throwing processes learned in beginning ceramics. This course will teach more advanced clay forming and decorating techniques. An emphasis will be placed on the representation of students’ ideas in sculptural pieces as well as on historical roots and the balance of form and function in making useful pieces. Students will be allowed more independence creating projects that capture their interests. This course is repeatable with teacher recommendation. 


Grade level: 9-12 

An introduction to digital photography using digital cameras and basic image editing software. This course explores the elements of art, principles of design, and photographic composition. This course also explores lighting techniques, digital image manipulation, and career skills. Students will learn to analyze visual media critically and to communicate with intention through their photographs. 

Grade level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Digital Photography
This course takes the skills and knowledge introduced in Digital Photography to help students refine their photography and design skills using industry standard computer programs and equipment. Through several creative projects and on the job training, students will solve visual problems and explore careers in the visual media arts. Students will develop their personal voice and style as a photographer and will produce a final portfolio of work. 


Grade level: 9-12 

In this introductory, standards-based course, students
learn to explore, create, understand, evaluate and critique art. 

Students learn to see as an artist sees, using right-brain drawing techniques to improve drawing and painting skills. The emphasis is on drawing and painting from observation. 


Grade Level: 10-12 

Prerequisite: Grade C or better in Drawing and Painting and teacher recommendation.
This rigorous, upper-level coursework is designed to further challenge students who have already completed a year of high school level Drawing and Painting. Students will refine skills in observational drawing and develop a portfolio of works that explore original ideas using a variety of media and forms of expression. This course will serve as a pre-AP course to AP Studio Art/Drawing portfolio. 


Grade level: 9-12 

This course is designed to introduce techniques and processes in metalsmithing. Students will develop a skill-set in working with non-ferrous metals such as sawing, soldering, hammering, and riveting. Through applying the elements and principles of art, students will create small scale sculpture and jewelry. This is a standard-based curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and self-expression using metal. 


Grade level: 10-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Completion of Metalsmithing
This course is a deeper exploration of using non-ferrous metals to create small sculpture, functional objects, and jewelry. The course is intended to refine skills and introduce advanced metalsmithing techniques and processes such as casting, forming larger hollow forms, and forging. Concept development and sophisticated design is greatly emphasized. Students will be given some freedom in developing these ideas to cultivate their own artistic style and aesthetic. This Standard-based curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and self-expression using metal. 


Grade Level: 10-12 

Prerequisite Courses: Ceramics (3430) or Digital Photography (6859) or Drawing and Painting (8342) or Metalsmithing (6114) 

This is a rigorous, college level course for advanced students seeking concentrated exploration in the field of art. Students will create a portfolio of original artwork in one of these three categories: Drawing and Painting, 2D Design (Digital Photo) or 3D Design (Ceramics or Metalsmithing). Students should select the section that applies to the primary material they plan to work with: 

4250 AP Studio Art Drawing and Painting 4240 AP Studio Art 2D = Digital Photography 4245 AP Studio Art 3DC = Ceramics
4245 AP Studio Art 3DM = Metalsmithing 



Prerequisite: Student needs to have intermediate level understanding of music notation and rhythms which can be sufficed by at least 1 year of 

CONCERT BAND. Consent of instructor.
This one-year rigorous course is designed to prepare the student for the Advanced Placement Examination. The course will develop the student's' ability to recognize, understand and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a musical score. Students will develop their aural, sight-singing, compositional, and analytical skills through the study of diatonic & chromatic harmony, counterpoint, melody, meter, score reading, ear training (recognition, dictation & error detection), sight-singing and the terminology used in music. Elements of jazz and 20th-century classical music will also be discussed. Grade level: 10-12 

Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble require audition and/or consent of instructor. 

Concert band students work to develop strong fundamental skills in the performance of wind and percussion instruments. Elements of music theory, harmony, and rhythm are covered and an emphasis is placed on individual as well as ensemble musicianship. Students may have the ability to move to a more advanced ensemble at the semester break. Percussion students will be required to concurrently enroll in Marching Band.​

Grade level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition and/or consent of teacher. (Repeatable)
Students enrolled in Wind Ensemble will perform the highest level literature available for the idiom. Elements of advanced music theory, harmony, and rhythm are covered. At the end of the fall semester students will audition and either remain enrolled in the Wind Ensemble or join Concert Band for the spring semester. Students are required to attend all performances scheduled throughout the school year. 


Grade Level: 9-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Audition and/ or consent of instructor.
Enrollment in the jazz ensemble will be limited to students who perform on the following instruments: saxophone, trombone, trumpet, drums, bass, guitar, and auxiliary percussion. Students will audition at the beginning of the school year. Because of the limited number of spots available, some students wishing to enroll in the jazz ensemble may not be able to take the class. 


Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and concurrent enrollment in either Concert Band, Color Guard, or Percussion Ensemble
* Fall semester of Marching Band counts as 5 credits of PE
Students enrolled in the marching band will be required to attend after school rehearsals, performances, and competitions. Attendance at band camp prior to the beginning of the school year will be required of all who enroll in the marching band. Students may be able to fulfill the physical education graduation requirements through participation in the marching band. 


Grade level: 9-12 

Music Appreciation, History, and Theory will educate the student in the classical music genres of European music, classical and popular forms of music from America such as folk, blues, jazz, forms of rock n’ roll, as well as music from around the world. The composers, performers, and their music are showcased in relation to the social, political, and religious events happening at the time the compositions were created and performed. The music theory portion of the course is the study of the materials and components that create and organize music. Music theory encompasses the study of notation, types and uses of scales, melodic and harmonic analysis, intervals, chord progressions, rhythm, ear training, and sight singing.


Grade Level: 9-12 

The Music Theory and Technology course prepares students for careers in music ranging from performer to producer; from composer to recording engineer; from musicologist to music executive. It is designed to give students the opportunity to enrich their knowledge of music through technology, performance, theory, and history. The course is taught in a state-of-the-art digital music studio and students are given hands-on experience with software, instruments, and equipment. Students will develop technical and creative skills through composing, analyzing, performing and recording music. This course meets or exceeds standards in the Visual and Performing Arts framework 


Grade Level: 10-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Basic piano skills/ Consent of instructor.
Students in digital music will focus on composition techniques and songwriting skills while learning elements of computer based music and digital editing. Students will learn how to use Garageband software, Reason music syntheses, Pro Tools editing and Logic music creation programs.


Grade Level: 10-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Basic piano skills/ Consent of instructor.
Course Description:  Digital Music 2 is a CTE(art media & entertainment)/VAPA course that focuses on the fundamentals of music and sound implementation in interactive entertainment. This course will offer certification in Wwise. 

Grade level: 9 -11
Prerequisite: None
This course is a historical and performance based overview of the musical and cultural influences of the rock genre from the 50’s to today. Students follow the history lectures and presentation with performances of key songs from different eras by learning basic techniques on guitar, bass and drums. This course is designed to be followed by Digital Music ​


Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable 

This class explores all styles of vocal music. Elements of harmony and theory are covered. The class is a performing group appropriate for both experienced and inexperienced singers.​


Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Audition and/or consent of teacher.
Color Guard participants learn to perform dance routines with equipment such as flags and simulated rifles. During fall semester, students perform with the marching band at home football games and in competitions. In the spring, students perform at competitions sponsored by the Winter Guard Association of Southern California.



Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable 

Ballet Folklorico is an introductory dance skills course which develops an understanding and appreciation for the folk dance traditions of Mexico. Students will be able to perceive and respond, demonstrate movement skills, process sensory information, and describe movement, using the vocabulary and elements of dance as outlined in the content standards. 

A variety of the traditional music of Mexico will be introduced, including the Chotis, Polka, Ranchera, Son Jaliscience, and Vals from the 15th century to the 21st century. In addition, the influence of music from the various countries that played a role in the history of Mexico will be discussed, including the Caribbean Islands, South American countries, the southern states of the United States, and European countries such as Germany and France. 

Students will apply the learned dance techniques, and demonstrate mastery of the content standards, by dancing in performance settings. 


Grade level 9-12, Repeatable 

In this co-ed course, students learn dance at the beginning and intermediate levels. Many styles are explored with an emphasis on ballet basics, jazz, modern, and musical theater. Improvisation and choreography are introduced. Performance, although not required, students have opportunities to perform during the year onstage in our productions. Students wear all black dance or athletic attire. This course may be taken to meet physical education or fine arts graduation requirements, but does not substitute for 9t h grade General PE. 



Grade level 10-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Dance I or teacher’s permission.
In this co-ed course, students study dance at the intermediate to advanced lev els. Ballet, jazz, modern, and musical theater dance are emphasized, and improvisation and choreography are explored. Performance is required, and students have opportunities to perform throughout the year. This class emphasizes creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration Students are expected to concentrate on technique and performance skills. Black dance attire is worn. The course may be taken to meet physical education or fine arts graduation requirements.


Grade level 10-12, Repeatable

In this co-ed course, students learn dance at the advanced level. Students have a background in dance and they are working on perfecting their advanced level technique. This course is designed to continue an in depth, intensive student of ballet, jazz, modern, lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, and musical theater. Dancers at this level have a solid understanding of the various dance genres, both cognitively and physically. The focus at this level is on execution at a high level of accuracy and further explorations of choreography, movement invention, and continued artistic integrity. Mastery of performance and technical element is expected. Dancers continue to explore the history of dance as well as current trends. Performance is required and students have the opportunity to choreograph and perform their own work. Proper dance attire is expected and enforced. 


Grade Level: 9-12 Repeatable (This class meets 7th period)

Must also be enrolled in a Dance I, Dance II, or Dance Production classThis advanced repertory course is a choreography making class in which students create and rehearse work for performance. Choreography strategies are discussed and applied to making movement. Students will also work with guest choreographers, as well as learning to apply technical and choreographic studies. Students should come dressed in dance or athletic attire.


Grade level: 10-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Completion of Dance I and/or teacher’s approval; audition required.
This advanced dance class is a performing group which focuses on dance technique and gives students the opportunity to choreograph and perform their own work. Performance is required. Course work includes dance studies emphasizing creativity, problem-solving skills, collaboration and application of techniques of ballet, jazz, and modern performance skills. All black dance attire is worn. This course may be used to meet either fine arts or physical education requirement.



0778 DRAMA 1 (P) 

Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable 

This course provides on-stage time with scene assignments and improvisation. Provides introduction to acting techniques, theater history, play analysis, makeup application, and musical theater. Principles of drama criticism are introduced, and students write critiques of dramatic literature. Scenes and monologues are rehearsed and performed. 

1485 DRAMA 2 -Intermediate(P) 

Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Completion of Beginning Drama and consent of instructor.
This course provides an increasing amount of on-stage time with scene assignments and improvisation. Provides a greater focus on advanced acting methods, audition techniques, and dramatic criticism. Principles of directing are introduced and there is an increased emphasis on written critiques of dramatic literature and theatre history. Student-directed one-act plays are rehearsed and performed. ​

Grade level: 10-12
For the serious student of theater, this class provides an intensive opportunity to explore acting at the college level. Students will be responsible for selecting and working on monologues and scenes to integrate al of their skills into the craft of theatre. In the second half of the term, students will produce and create their own productions based on their personal interests. An audition/ interview is required. Students will apply professional and college-level performance techniques through workshop and performance. 


Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable
Prerequisite: Audition and/or consent of instructor.
In this course, acting and technical theatre skills are applied in the production of a full-length play performance. This class is offered after school and has attendance requirements beyond the traditional school day. 


Grade level: 9-12, Repeatable 

DOES NOT meet VAPA a-g subject requirements 

This course covers the basics of Technical Theatre including set and prop design and construction; lighting and sound design and implementation; costuming makeup, and stage management. Students will be expected to design, construct, and paint scenic units and props, plan and draw a lighting plot for a play, operate a lighting board, and choose costume designs and colors for characters in a production. They also will operate the equipment used in sound effects and musical background, plan and apply makeup, and act as stage manager.




Grade level: 9-12 YEAR 

Prerequisite: None UC/CSU 

This course is designed to enable students to understand film, television and media from both theoretical and production perspective, as well as from the view as to how it relates to culture and the world. By studying and analyzing films and the processesbehindtheir creation,students in the course gain insight into the power and aesthetics of mass media, and they develop both appreciation and basic skills.


Grade level: 9-12 YEAR

Screenwriting is an exciting writing and reading, theory-based course aimed at enriching the experience of aesthetic cinematic storytelling concepts through the visual medium of film. The students begin to understand film narrative by researching periods of major story evolutions within film history and looking at many of the films that defined those periods. Narrative theory from Save the Cat and The Writer’s Journey will help students understand how narrative and characters work in all literature, not just film. Students will use creative writing techniques when writing dialogue and actions. Student will learn how to use Final Draft, and industry standard program, to help perfect the art form in a way acceptable and appreciated by professional institutions. Students will learn best practices and advanced techniques that can be used during the writing process, and once finished students will know how to improve and distribute their screenplays. 


A visual arts and California Career and Technical Education (CTE) course that introduces students to the principles and elements of digital photographic forms and concepts through hands-on use of digital photography equipment and technology. Both original, untouched photographic images and digital images manipulated with various computer-based programs will be explored.​


This is an advanced level visual arts and California Career and Technical Education class (CTE). Second-year digital photography students will have the opportunity to experiment with advanced photographic techniques, digital art image manipulation, advanced computer-based software programs, and image making technology. 


Grade level: 10-12, Repeatable 

This course will cover the processes used to make video segments for TV news, websites, and other media. Roles will include in front and behind the camera, producing, editing, and directing video projects. Planning, writing, and sequencing projects, as well as, gathering information and reporting will be a regular duty for each member of the class. TV News production encompasses much more than the strict news show from behind the desk, but encourages creativity and artistic video work