Reading Music
The first step on your music reading journey
The first step on your music reading journey
is learning about the staff and clefs.
is learning about the staff and clefs.
The staff is made up of 5 lines and 4 spaces and looks like this.
The staff is made up of 5 lines and 4 spaces and looks like this.
The next thing is to learn about the different clefs. The three we focus on are the Treble, Alto and Bass.
The next thing is to learn about the different clefs. The three we focus on are the Treble, Alto and Bass.
There are 4 steps to finding the letter name of a note on a staff:
There are 4 steps to finding the letter name of a note on a staff:
1. What is the clef?
1. What is the clef?
2. Is the note on a line or space?
2. Is the note on a line or space?
3. What saying do I use?
4. Start from the bottom of the staff and go up