
Hi parents and students! Hope you are doing well. There are plenty of web sites and apps for the students to use in order to keep their Spanish skills sharp. I have some posted on the homework page and the google classroom. For anyone that does not have the code - here they are.

7M - 5vk3a5f

7T - maiuqng

8D - 2vz27mp

8M - k633nkz

8K - 6kxfjvi

3/26 - Hello again! Now that we are going to be out longer, students will need to complete a Spanish assignment each week. It will be a graded assignment which will be posted each Monday morning by 9:00 and due back to me by 3:00 on Friday.The assignments should be completed in the google classroom. The first assignment will be posted Mar.30 and due by Apr. 3. Take care!

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and that everyone is doing well. The next Spanish assignment will be given on Mon. Apr. 20 and due Fri. Apr. 24. Take care.

Just a friendly reminder that a new Spanish assignment is given every Monday and it is due on Friday. Students need to check the google classroom. Hope all is going well.

Enjoy your summer! Take care.