EdCamp is an opportunity for students to experience Inquiry Based Learning. The grade 5-9 students were grouped into houses and then given a question to answer. How and where they found the information to answer the question was up to them.

Then they needed to present their research in a visible digital format. We invite you to have a look at the final results from each house below:

What can be done to make new students feel like they are a part of our school?

What will the future of Stony Plain be?

How is SML possibly the oldest active school in the province?

Delta House

How can an SML classroom be redesigned to better enable learning?

Epsilon House

Has St. Matthew Lutheran Church had a significant effect on the town of Stony Plain?

Zeta House

What are the most popular SML hot lunch items and how does that compare to nutritional value? Is there a compromise?

Theta House

Why is climate change such a divisive issue?

Iota House

How might SML go about getting an outdoor classroom?

Kappa House

Do we really need the Fine Arts in school?

Lamda House

Should SML become a homework-free school?

Pi House

What have been the effects of going to a 1:1 Chromebook system at SML?

Sigma House

SML often has students that don’t use their recess time to be active or to engage with others. What can be done about this?