Eat Right,

Win Right

What makes wrestling the hardest sport is not only the tough, grinding training but the time outside of practice. For optimal performance, wrestlers also must demonstrate proper diet and maintain their weight throughout the day and all through the season. From the time they wake up to when the go to sleep, wrestlers must think about what they will eat, how much and when they will eat. Improper diet and timing will lower the wrestler's mental and physical ability and it can lead to injuries, sickness, and under-performance. Eating right is - in a way - more important than the training, as wrestlers will not get the most out of any training if they do not.

This website provides wrestlers and parents with basic knowledge and resources to eat right and win right.

Browse through the website form the menu items on the upper right hand corner.

To strengthen your learning on nutrition and weight management, complete the activities on Me, Myself, and Wrestling Nutrition along with the lesson modules.