Atividade 3



- Trabalhar as situações de uso do verbo “to be” nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

                                                                                                                        VERB TO BE

1. Write in the correct verb to be:

a. Mary____________________ my best friend.

b. John and Cindy ____________________classmates.

c. Peter ____________________my brother. 

d. You____________________a good student. 

e. They____________________in the classroom.

f. It ____________________an orange.

g. Felicia and Mary____________________sisters.

h. I____________________ her teacher. 

i. It____________________a book bag. 

j. You____________________a doctor.

2. Re-arrange the sentence:

a. I / not / a teacher. / am ___________________________________________________________

b. She / my mother. / is ____________________________________________________________

c. The boys / playful. / are __________________________________________________________

d. The girl / in the room. / is _________________________________________________________

e. We / not / are / at home. __________________________________________________________

f. My dad / smart. / is ______________________________________________________________

g. My mother / a housewife. / is ______________________________________________________

h. She / not / my sister. / is __________________________________________________________

i. The teacher / angry. / is ___________________________________________________________

j. The dog / in the kennel. / is ________________________________________________________

3 - Complete as frases com o verbo adequado, consulte a caixa de texto abaixo:

a- __________________ Mary.

b- __________________ happy.

c- My favorite _________________ tennis.

d- ____________________ flowers.

e- My brother is a student. _____________________ cool.

f- __________________ a student.


Verb to be. Acessaber. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 5 de maio de 2020.

CRÉDITOSCOMPONENTE CURRICULAR: InglêsANO: 6º e 7º AnoPROFESSORA: Cilene FernandesUNIDADE EDUCATIVA: E.B.M. Herondina Medeiros Zeferino