Chapter 1

You despise Abraham Lincoln and your disdain only grows further each day. He threatens your very way of life. Growing up on a farm worked by family slaves, you understand the importance of the institution of slavery. Slavery is deeply embedded into your Southern culture. With President Lincoln's opposition to this system of slavery, everything you grew up believing is at risk of being lost. In March of 1865, along with six other conspirators, you begin to hatch a plan to kidnap the President of the United States. You aim to hold him as a hostage in Richmond, Virginia until either peace between the North and South is agreed upon or Confederate prisoners of war are released...

Which scenario do you wish to follow? Choose one below and solve its puzzle to move on!

1. The plot goes according to plan. You kidnap President Lincoln and the Confederate prisoners of war held in northern camps are set free. You are elated. You had many doubters but for the time being, have proven them all wrong.

2. The plot is unsuccessful. President Lincoln does not show up at the anticipated location. You are frustrated. You go back to the drawing board, conspiring to commit an even more heinous crime. This time, you will make sure of its success.