Leonardtown High School

Student Attendance Website

Welcome to the Leonardtown High School Attendance Website!

Everything you need for attendance can be found on this website. If you cannot find what you need, please make sure to contact the Attendance Office directly.

Student Attendance Point of Contact:

Mrs. Dornisch

Email: eadornisch@smcps.org

Phone: (301)475-0200 ext. 27104

A reminder to parents/guardians that the Online Absence reporting is only to be used for full day absences and not for students coming in late after an appointment. Also, College Visits are NOT to be reported online. Please print out form and have the administration sign.

Please email, call, or have your student provide a note to the Attendance Office to excuse a tardy. Thank you!


All students must have a parent/guardian to excuse absences, tardies, check-outs, and any other attendance related item. The student's age does not excuse them from obtaining permission from a parent/guardian.

Thank you!

Importance of School Attendance

School attendance has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in prekindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day. Regular and consistent attendance is necessary for student achievement, graduation, and career and college readiness.

St. Mary’s County Public Schools’ student attendance policy is based on the overriding premise that success is dependent upon a continuous and consistent classroom instructional experience. Students need opportunities to master essential academic knowledge and skills, develop an appropriate sense of self-worth, establish satisfactory peer relationships, and develop a sense of responsibility. The school cannot educate students or provide support to students when they are absent from school.

We realize some absences are unavoidable, but we also know when students miss too much school, regardless of the reason, it can cause them to fall behind academically. Documentation of an absence must be sent to school within three (3) days of an absence, either with a written note, phone call, email, or through the school website portal. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may monitor school attendance through the Home Access Center (HAC). If you are having problems with your username, password, or login, please contact the school.

Text Provided by SMCPS Attendance