Celebration Page

This is the place that we are going to celebrate all of the fantastic work that is going on during our break from school.

Look through the pages to see what everyone has been up to in Google Classroom and beyond.

A fantastic rocket made from an old toilet roll! Well done Dexter...

A wonderful clock made by Brogan to help with learning o'clock and half past...

Using an old toilet roll Jacob made a beautiful chick for Easter!

Logan hard at work in his own home-made classroom!

Billy hard at work doing what he loves best...maths! Great work Billy :-)

A wonderful example of creative writing from Emily about her new imaginary pet!

Blake has really enjoyed learning about space and has created his own solar system which includes all of the planets.

Isabella has written some super instructions about how to wash our hands...very important to know at this time!

Positive messages from friends...

Milo posted a positive message onto Google Classroom because he is missing all of his school friends. He is happy that he can see what his friends are doing on the classroom though!

Support the NHS!

Lots of children have been busy decorating their windows in support of the NHS, we have seen some wonderful examples of how you are showing support. Lexi has completely covered her windows with a beautiful rainbow! I know that cheered me up!

Enjoying the sunshine and learning outdoors...

Amelia busy on her 'Spring Hunt' during her daily walk...

Charlie looks very comfortable getting creative outside!

Connor had some help from his brother during their walk to spot signs of Spring...

Gabriella keeping her garden looking beautiful!

Kaitlyn has been having lots of fun learning about plants and has even planted her own seeds. We can't wait to see how they grow!

Oliver has been collecting items from nature and using them to investigate colours and patterns. Super work :-)

Edward collected lots of leaves and sorted them into evergreen and deciduous.

Great British Bake Off!

Lots of you have been learning a new skill and baking yummy treats at home to share with your families. Olivia has been making cake pops that look delicious :-)

VE Day

As we prepare to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day we have been learning about VE Day and making preparations. Blake has clearly put lots of effort into his WW2 Spitfire. Well done Blake!