Promethean Board

How To Videos & Articles

Video: ActivConnect G Quick Orientation

ACG Home Screen Overview.mp4

Video: Logging into Google PlayStore

Logging into Google PlayStore.mp4

Video: Finding an Application in the PlayStore and adding an App Bubble to the Homescreen

Finding and Installing Applications.mp4

Video: Removing and Adding an Application Bubble to the Home Screen

Removing and Adding a Bubble.mp4

Video: Setting up Security features on the ACG

Setting up Security Features on the ACG.mp4

Video: Customizing ACG Home Screen with Live Wall Papers

Customizing Home Screen Background Live Wallpapers.mp4

Video: Customizing ACG Home Screen- Bubble Wheel Organization

Customizing Bubble Arrangement on Home Screen.mp4

Video: Creating new User Profiles on the ACG

Adding User Profiles.mp4

Video: How to Update the ACG Software

How to Update the ACG Software .mp4