Supporting Our Community

Everything you need to know about successfully working remotely

Resources on the following topics

Family Resources

Technology Resources

Remote Working

Leading Remote Teams



Family Resources

Families come in all different shapes and sizes. Are you looking for help to help you balance work tasks alongside caring for your family?

The following resources address everything from fun family activities, food and utility assistance, resources for domestic violence and child care options.

Technology is a great tool to keep kids busy; check out some screen free ways to engage with your family. Do you have a family of one? We have ideas for you too! You can also find tips on staying connected with friends to maintain quarantine and social distancing guidelines.

There are many kinds of essential needs. Some families struggle with paying for food and utilities. Others have children in crisis or are survivors of domestic violence. Here you will find services and resources for these things and more

For first responders , health care employees, or other essential personnel working and in need of childcare.

For Missouri residents:

ChildCare Aware can be reached by emailing (preferred contact method)

or by calling 1-866-892-3228

For Illinois residents:

Information about local resources can be found by calling Children’s Home and Aid at 1-888-228-1146 (preferred contact method)

or on the website

Want to learn more? Click here for additional resources.


The University provides technology that can help you to do your job and collaborate with your team regardless of whether you are on campus, at home or somewhere in between. We have gathered information on a few of these tools that are particularly helpful for remote work.

Recently, ITS deployed a new Virtual Private Network (VPN) service called GlobalProtect to all SLU-managed computers that enables a secure connection to SLU’s network while you are working remotely. In order to ensure your SLU-provided computer is updated with the latest functionality and receives critical security updates, it is necessary to connect with GlobalProtect for at least a half-day once a week while working remotely. Failing to do this may limit your computer's capability and place it, and the University, at increased risk of cyber-attack.

ITS Virtual Call Center

The ITS Support Desk (, has launched a virtual call center to provide faster support for Zoom, Blackboard, and Panopto during this transition. To reach the call center, contact the main ITS Support Desk at 314-977-4000, and choose option 6 to be connected with an ITS technician. This service is available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Want to learn more? Click here for additional resources.

Remote Working

Saint Louis University's culture emphasizes togetherness, support, and care for each other. This can be challenging in a virtual environment. As we experience a fundamental change in the way we work; here are some tools to help you work more effectively.

A successful work from home experience looks different for each employee. In order to help you, we have created a framework that you can use to be productive, coordinate with your colleagues and remain connected.

Professor Steven Rogelberg from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte shares a top ten list to help you tackle those Zoom meetings. Listen to his advice and expertise as the author of, "The Surprising Science of Meetings."

New to working from home? Doisy College of Health Sciences shows you how to set up your work space, make nutritious food choices, and make time for exercise during your day.

Virtual CoworkingDo you sometimes miss sitting with your work group? Want to virtually "hang out" with other remote workers as you get work done? Now you can connect and interact safely with Cortex!

Want to learn more? Click here for additional resources.

Leading Remote Teams

Leading a team is never easy. When your workforce is remote, new skills and adaptations to leadership are necessary.

In some cases, it may be useful to provide your team with tools that clearly layout all project activities. These tools can help managers gain a complete understanding of how each project is getting completed, who’s working and when, and check progress and meet deadlines on time.

It is essential for leaders to stay in touch with and support their teams while working remotely. Regular check-in meetings allow supervisors to receive updates and progress form their teams The template above includes an overview, structure and ground rules for successful meetings

Want to learn more? Click here for additional resources.


To take care of others, you must first attend to your own physical and mental health.

The following resources will help you address the new challenges we are all facing in caring for ourselves and others.

Our EAP - administered by ComPsych - can connect you with counselors who can provide therapy services if you are having trouble coping with the stresses from COVID-19. You can reach them by calling 1-800-859-9319. ComPysch has also put together a set of resources specifically aimed at helping our employees cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. They include webinars, short videos and other information. To access some resources, use the Web ID: SLUEAP.

Health and wellness insights by our partners at Vitality provide a wealth of information via articles, blog posts and videos, to name a few. These resources have information that ranges from a Q&A on COVID-19, to effective telecommuting, and even suggestions for entertaining children while you work from home.

Stress and worry are a normal part of our lives. Learn how you can lessen the impact of how stress effects you by using positive re-framing.

Want to learn more? Click here for additional resources.

Do you have questions? We can help! Contact Learning and Development by clicking below.
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