Maximizing the Yield of Plants and Crops

SLU ID 22-008 | Controlling the epigenetic pathway to increase crop yields

Intellectual Property Status


  • Patent-ability under review

  • Know-how based

  • Licensee

  • Development partner

  • Commercial partner

  • Investment

  • University spin out


The global commercial seed market is more than US$75.04 billion and is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 9.9 percent through the year 2026. Seed constitutes the main nutrient source for humans and domesticated animals. Seed size is an essential trait for nutritional value and crop yield. As the human and livestock population increases, the demand for food and fodder increases and the amount of land available for food production decreases. This drives the need for increased crop yields.


Researchers at Saint Louis University have developed methods to increase the seed size and potential crop yield by controlling gene expression and the epigenetic pathway in plants. They have integrated the technology with other supporting elements that are required to use the technology in its intended application and tested the integration in a laboratory environment.


The potential advantages of this technology over existing solutions include:

  • Increasing the yield of crops

  • Minimizing global food insecurity

  • Minimize the impact of droughts on the food supply

  • Minimizing food price shocks


Potential applications of this technology include:

  • Commercial seed production

  • Commercial farming


Saint Louis University is seeking a partner to further develop and commercialize this technology.
