Diagnosing and Preventing Leukemias That Affect Both Adults and Children

SLU ID 20-022 | AML1-ETO Polyclonal Antibody

Intellectual Property Status


  • Tangible Material

  • Know-how based

  • Licensee


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a rare type of cancer. In 2019, there were an estimates 21,450 new cases and about 10,920 deaths due to AML in the United States. There is also a rise in the global incidence of and mortality from AML with estimated annual growth rates of around 14 percent.


Researchers at Saint Louis University have developed a custom antibody that recognizes the leukemogenic
AML1-ETO fusion protein with high specificity.


The potential benefits of this technology include:

  • Increasing the precision of detecting the leukemogenic AML1-ETO fusion protein

  • Minimizing the detection of unrelated proteins not of interest


Potential applications of this technology include:

  • Diagnosing acute myeloid leukemia

  • Preventing acute myeloid leukemia


Saint Louis University offers this technology on a non-exclusive basis. It has partnered with MilliporeSigma to license and distribute this technology.


Steinauer N, Guo C, Huang C, Wong M, Tu Y, Freter CE and Zhang J *. (2019) Myeloid translocation gene CBFA2T3 directs a relapse gene program and determines patient-specific outcomes in AML. Blood Advances. 2019 May 14; 3(9): 1379–1393. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2018028514 (https://ashpublications.org/bloodadvances/article/3/9/1379/247267/Myeloid-translocation-gene-CBFA2T3-directs-a)

Guo C, Li J, Steinauer N, Wong M, Wu B, Dickson A, Kalkum M, and Zhang J *. Histone deacetylase 3 preferentially binds and collaborates with the transcription factor RUNX1 to repress AML1-ETO-dependent transcription in t(8;21) AML (2020) Journal of Biological Chemistry. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.010707jbc.RA119.010707 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32071087/)