Creating Exhibitions of Annotated Collections

SLU ID 20-001 | Data Entry and Exhibition System

Intellectual Property Status


  • Patent-ability under review

  • Know-how based

  • Licensee

  • Development partner

  • Commercial partner

  • Investment

  • University spin out


There are many template engines and frameworks that use Web Components or custom elements to different effect but none are built explicitly for web standards. As such, they do not automatically convert simple forms into complex data models that support best practices and linked open data.


Researchers at Saint Louis University have developed a template engine and framework that modifies web documents based on templates and decorations applied by web developers in the HTML files directly or via attached scripts. The engine and framework is configurable for any data service and is prepared with a connection to the RERUM sandbox. This enables rapid prototyping without spinning up a back-end data service. Moreover, the data structure follows the Eventities model, mints new URIs for unique objects, attaches descriptive annotations to allow for ambiguity and controversy, and preserves the attribution of every delta.


The potential benefits of this technology include:

  • Easier user experience following a web standards and automatically converting simple forms into complex data models

  • Supported with open web framework and Linked Open Data for more additions to data pool by user

  • Simplifying direct DOM contact within framework rather than using other networks

  • Ability to maintain connected and compliant enhancement for solution space within Rerum updates


Potential applications of this technology includes:

  • collection of large numbers of static or dynamic lists

  • connecting items in unordered or in an ID environment for easier tracking


Saint Louis University is seeking partners to further develop and commercialize this technology.