Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries

SLU ID 19-029| Method for improving cognitive function after traumatic brain injury

Intellectual Property Status


  • Patent-ability under review

  • Know-how based

  • Licensee

  • Development partner

  • Commercial partner

  • Investment

  • University spin out


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is very common in the United States with the majority of cases caused from sports injuries. There are currently no pharmacological methods for treating the adverse outcomes following TBI and concussion. Rehabilitating patients with moderate TBI involves physiotherapy to improve motor functions and training to assist with cognitive functions (e.g., planning and organization).


Researchers at Saint Louis University have developed methods to improve spatial learning as well as short-term and long-term memory in patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI). When applied in the days following injury, the methods reduce the severity of cognitive deficits. Improvements in spatial learning and memory produced by the methods could also complement currently used treatments for TBI (e.g., physiotherapy and psychiatric care to restore normal behavioral patterns).


The potential benefits of this technology include:

  • Increasing spatial learning following a TBI

  • Increasing short-term memory following a TBI

  • Increasing long term memory following a TBI

  • Increasing overall quality of life of those suffering from TBI


Potential applications of this technology includes treating patients who have mild to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).


Saint Louis University is seeking partners to further develop and commercialize this technology.