Using Shelf-Safe, Easy to Synthesize Cell Dyes to Study the Properties of Organic and Inorganic Substances

SLU ID 17-037 | Dibenzothiophene Sulphone Cell Dyes

Intellectual Property Status


  • Patented

  • Know-how based

  • Licensee

  • Development partner

  • Commercial partner


Fluorescent dyes are used by biologists to increase their ability to observe and track proteins, structures, and biological processes.


Researchers at Saint Louis University have developed new molecules that fluoresce when excited by energy. They have been synthesized, characterized, and verified that the molecules display fluorescence.


The potential benefits of this technology include:

  • Increasing the shelf-life of fluorescent dyes

  • Minimizing the cost of producing fluorescent dyes


This technology has potential application in fluorescence microscopy.


Saint Louis University is seeking partners to further develop and commercialize this technology.