Inexpensively Predicting Weather Threats With High Spatial and Temporal Resolution

SLU ID 13-018 | Use of Targeted Mesoscale Observations to Improve the Prediction of Weather Threats

Intellectual Property Status


  • Patented

  • Know-how based

  • Licensee

  • Development partner

  • Commercial partner

  • Investment

  • University spin out


Emergency Response Management is often the task of government agencies, utilities and businesses who are charged with responding in many crisis situations. However, often times such emergencies are created and/or exacerbated by weather conditions. Current predictive techniques for weather patterns are generally performed on a national, or multi-state regional scale. This large scale weather prediction is largely insufficient for predicting the location of specific weather conditions with enough precision to ultimately assist Emergency Response Management personnel.


Researchers at Saint Louis University have developed a method of using targeted mesoscale observations for predicting weather-exacerbated threats.


The potential benefits of this technology include:

  • Increasing the spatial resolution of weather predictions

  • Increasing the temporal resolution of weather predictions


The potential applications of this technology include:

  • weather prediction

  • business planning

  • emergency response planning


Saint Louis University is seeking a partner to further develop and commercialize this technology.